In The Booth with Shawn Booth
You may know Shawn Booth from The Bachelorette, you may know him as a fitness guy who owns a gym in Nashville, or you may just know his dog, Walter.
Tune in as Shawn sits down with people from all walks of life: artists, athletes, entrepreneurs, military personnel, badass moms, fitness professionals, and everything in between. You'll hear motivational stories, healthy habits that lead to success, relationship tips, and more.
However you know him, you'll get to know the real Shawn and his guests right here on In The Booth.
In The Booth with Shawn Booth
We've finally made it! Baby Booth is coming! We might even be in the delivery room right now as you listen to this episode ..
Tune in as Dre provides us with an update on how she’s been feeling this final trimester. We answer your questions on our pregnancy journey including whether or not we’ve decided to schedule an induction.
We revisit hilarious moments at the doctor's office, and of course, the topic we never thought would be so thrilling - baby names and birth plans! We share who will be there with us in the delivery room, discuss our thoughts on sharing baby pictures on social media, and wrap things up with our predictions on the gender. Join us as we prepare for baby Booth to enter the world!
We are back in the booth. I'm Sean Booth and hopefully you guys had a great Thanksgiving and, wherever you are, we hope you're staying warm. We hope you spent the week with loved ones, family and friends. We're excited to be back with you guys. Maybe you're listening in Burlington, vermont, maybe you're listening from Corpus Christi, texas, or maybe you're out in San Diego. Wherever you are, we appreciate the support and folks. It is the final countdown. Who knows? You might be listening to this right now and Baby Booth might already be here. That would be wild. Hopefully that's not the case, but we are officially, as of today, recording. We are two weeks from Baby Booth's due date of December 12th and we have had lovely mother here, dre, in studio for the first trimester, the second trimester and this is the final bump date officially.
Speaker 1:So how are you feeling right now?
Speaker 2:I think I've just rounded a corner of I'm done with being pregnant, I think I could tell that just on that walk here into the studio you are definitely.
Speaker 1:you hit a wall in the past week where you were going 100 miles an hour doing everything and now it's just like a struggle to do anything.
Speaker 2:It really has only been the past week that I've really turned a corner of Okay, I'm done. I've had some pretty severe sciatic nerve pain and that's really just like put a halt through me being as active as I was before.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that was like two days ago. You have a shooting pain down the side of your leg.
Speaker 2:Yeah, horrible.
Speaker 1:And in your back a little bit as well.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I just sit down in the middle of target.
Speaker 1:I know you told me that I'm like what do you mean that you sat down in the middle of the target? I might explain that to me.
Speaker 2:I sat down in the middle of the target pillow aisle, butterfly style and a really good stretch in, so I could continue to walk. Otherwise I was about to call you to have to come get me.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's wild. It's crazy that it is almost here, and I've learned so many things during this process, but one being I didn't realize that women were pregnant for 10 months. I always thought it was just nine months.
Speaker 2:Everybody says nine months, nine months, but you are basically at 10 months, and if you go over your due date, you go over 10 months.
Speaker 1:Yeah Well, do you think you're going to go over the due date?
Speaker 2:No, and I know that.
Speaker 1:And you know that for a fact, because we set the induction.
Speaker 2:We did.
Speaker 1:For the night before?
Speaker 2:Why did we set it for the night?
Speaker 1:before. I actually didn't say anything. You were the one that set it.
Speaker 2:But I knew that that's what you wanted, so tell the people why we set it for the night before.
Speaker 1:Well, we were sitting in the office and our game plan has become, the last few months, no game plan, right? Because before you're like maybe we should do this or maybe we should do that, and then we're like you know what? Let's just go with the flow and see what happens and not set anything and the doctor agreed with that. She thought that that was a great idea. Yeah, and then we discussed. You said you would do an induction. You originally wanted to do an induction on the sixth.
Speaker 2:Yeah, which is thinking about that right now? Crazy yeah.
Speaker 1:And you wanted to do that just because.
Speaker 2:I just knew that this wall would come of, being kind of feeling like okay, I'm done being pregnant, I'm ready to go, I'm excited to meet the baby, but you've kind of always said I'd rather let it go to term, which you have also taught yourself that early term now is 37 weeks and full term is for you.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I googled it yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so we are almost at full term. Yeah, but early term is now. It used to be. 37 weeks was full term. Now they've said that's early term Either way. So we were sitting in the doctor's office and then Dre said I'd like to do the induction on the due date the due date I just didn't want to go over.
Speaker 2:I don't think there's any reason to go over.
Speaker 1:Right, but you were like so Sean's got this really weird thing with odd numbers, so maybe we should do it on the night of the 11th so it comes on the 12th instead of coming on the 13th. Yeah, if we did it on the 12th, so I am pretty crazy about numbers, so we might just keep the baby in there if it comes on an odd number day.
Speaker 2:I don't think so. I think we'll be good to go. I think that it will come on the due date?
Speaker 1:Yeah Well, do you think it's actually going to come to the point where we get an induction.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I do.
Speaker 1:Really why.
Speaker 2:What's my first? And so typically they say that you go over. I was only dilated to a centimeter two weeks ago.
Speaker 1:I don't know, but only that's two weeks ago. We're now. It could be two or three centimeters right, or that would be crazy.
Speaker 2:No, that wouldn't be crazy. I think that I go in tomorrow. We go in tomorrow again. I didn't get checked at the last appointment. I didn't feel like I needed to, so I'm going to let them check again and see how far along we are, and I think I'll have a better idea tomorrow.
Speaker 1:Yeah Well, we can't wait. It's coming and we have a bunch of questions today from you guys who saw my Instagram story. We're going to get into all of those. Is there anything that has surprised you in this last third trimester, or something you didn't expect?
Speaker 2:Something I didn't expect. Well, a couple of things. I don't know what to say. I didn't expect to start producing stuff out of my nipples.
Speaker 2:Nipples. Okay, there we go Out of my boobs. That's been pretty cool. It's a really wild experience to kind of see what your body does and what you're made to do as a woman. And I didn't expect to hit this how I don't want to say I didn't expect to hit this wall because I knew it would come, but I genuinely felt so good for so long and I just was like maybe I'm going to feel this good forever, maybe it's going to be great. I've, in the grand scheme of things, I've loved being pregnant. I would do it again and, yeah, there was nothing really that shocked me.
Speaker 1:What'd you hate the most? Number one thing, right out the top of your head. You're looking back at it Boobs. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Sleep, sleep Okay.
Speaker 1:Sleep.
Speaker 2:Sleep. Sleep is bad. Sleep is very, very, very bad.
Speaker 1:It is huh.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you can't sleep on your stomach or on your back.
Speaker 2:No, or on my side or sleep at all.
Speaker 1:But somebody we saw at Target the other day was talking about that. This guy. He's like you're ready to pop?
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, I get that a lot whenever I'm walking around. I think it's because I walk around belly out a lot.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you just have the thing hanging out.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah.
Speaker 1:But he was saying that his wife was complaining about not being able to sleep and she thought that she'd be able to just like sleep on her stomach. Yeah, as soon as that and that's not the case, so you still got to hang on for a little bit longer, yeah.
Speaker 2:You got to heal.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:It's more of just. I would be fine sleeping on my side, if even sleeping on my side felt comfortable, but it doesn't.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:And I get up to go to the bathroom at least four to five times. I think last night was the one time that I only I only had to get up once, and that was crazy.
Speaker 1:It's crazy.
Speaker 2:Because it's a whole process.
Speaker 1:You were starting a pump the other night. Yeah, try to get things going and just hanging out with the pumps on.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I was hanging out in bed with the pumps on.
Speaker 1:Crazy. Well, let's get into some questions here. What things have you done, if any, to prepare for postpartum?
Speaker 2:As far as, like, my body or just anything in general. Anything in general, I've tried to stay as active as I could throughout the entire pregnancy. I think now looking back, I could have done a little bit more. I could have done a little bit more pelvic floor work now praying for postpartum, but you're just so caught up in a million different things Sometimes you forget about that kind of stuff. Obviously, prepping for myself and everything I'm going to need, equipment wise, that's really about it.
Speaker 1:Are you nervous, are you scared for postpartum?
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I'm scared for labor.
Speaker 1:I know, yeah, that's a question.
Speaker 2:I'm scared for postpartum.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you haven't talked any fears about labor.
Speaker 2:No, I'm excited yeah.
Speaker 1:I wish I would go to labor right now. I might be more nervous than you are then.
Speaker 2:Oh, I can't wait. I'm not scared of the pain. I'm not scared of having a C-section, if that's what it comes to. I'm not scared of pushing, I don't know why. I'm just not. I have no fear in that?
Speaker 1:Well, that's fantastic.
Speaker 2:I'm excited.
Speaker 1:That's exciting. Have you thoroughly researched vaccines? No better choice you can make from somebody on Instagram. That's a hot topic there.
Speaker 2:That is a sensitive subject.
Speaker 1:We'll skip that one.
Speaker 2:We'll skip that I don't want to talk about that. It's a personal thing.
Speaker 1:It is. Let's see here. Not a question, just a message. 1212 is a great birthday. It's my daughter's birthday. There we go.
Speaker 2:Happy birthday to her daughter.
Speaker 1:A solid birthday, all right, predict baby weights. I'm short like Dre, my husband is tall and our first was 9 pounds, 14 ounces.
Speaker 2:That's what Sean B hopes for.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she's tall and tiny. Now Weight I'm hoping for an eight pounder, I guess, because I was right about 9 pounds, 8 pounds, 15 ounces.
Speaker 2:Do you know what they say? Averages? I should know that.
Speaker 1:I think around seven yeah. I was looking at the app today and I know a lot of you guys always ask me which app I use, because I always post on my Instagram.
Speaker 2:I think it's called.
Speaker 1:Pregnancy Plus.
Speaker 2:Yours is way more fancy than mine.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I like it. It says right now that the baby should be about 19 and a half inches, 7.1 pounds.
Speaker 2:Which I think that I'm about average because I measure right like my belly measures right with that which I don't know if those two things correlate.
Speaker 1:Okay, and then 39 weeks, 7 pounds, 6 ounces, and then 40 weeks is 8 pounds. So what's your guess on the baby's weight?
Speaker 2:I'd say right now, close to 7.
Speaker 1:What do you think it's going to?
Speaker 2:be when it comes out.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I'm going to go 7 and a half.
Speaker 1:I'm going.
Speaker 2:For my sake 8.2.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:I'm more worried about the circumference of their head.
Speaker 1:Yeah. You've been worried about that for a while from the first ultrasound that we saw.
Speaker 2:What was the anatomy scan?
Speaker 1:Yeah, thoughts on anxiety meds during pregnancy, oh.
Speaker 2:Fortunately, I'm well. I do struggle with anxiety a little bit, but I've never it's never been to the point where I've needed to go on medication to treat it, which I'm super thankful for. I know a lot of people experience also to hormonal changes during pregnancy and they say that the postpartum hormonal changes the biggest that any human will ever go through in their life, right? So a lot of people end up having to go on, you know, as I think Lauren Lane talked in depth about that, right? And so I'm going to talk about anxiety meds.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:No thoughts on it. I mean, if it's something that I need to do to better myself and better life of the baby and me and what I can provide, then I'm completely open to it. I'm very. I don't have any strong opinions on medications. I trust my doctors. I trust the people, the medical staff that I surround myself with and that we've chosen to surround ourselves with and our baby with. I feel very comfortable being honest with them and vulnerable with them and whatever they suggest.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they've been great. Talk about our experiences at our hospital, the doctor's office. They're fantastic. They're great. Did I ever share the story of when I first went in there?
Speaker 2:Probably not. We went into the hospital or to the office, I don't know if you can see this on camera, but this baby is going nuts right now.
Speaker 1:It's wild to see.
Speaker 2:It is moving like crazy.
Speaker 1:Crazy, they're excited. The doctor's office, which is fantastic. I feel like everybody in Nashville goes there. Yeah, women's. This was when we first found out. Obviously, we weren't telling anybody. Nobody had known about it. We went to our appointment and I was very nervous because it's a lot of younger.
Speaker 2:It's not a private thing. You would think that would be more private.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's just like a big waiting area. You walk in and there's so many people, just so many women there.
Speaker 2:Truly most pregnant women I know in Nashville that live close to the city go to women's I mean it's a practice with seven or eight providers. So a lot of women go there.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's just a big open room. We're just trying to be a little discreet about it and don't want people to talk or whatever people taking photos and I walk in there and I've got my hat on and I'm like have it super low.
Speaker 2:I don't need to hide.
Speaker 1:I go to the very back of the room and super nervous.
Speaker 2:We also want to make sure that, first off and foremost, that everything's good before it really is out.
Speaker 1:Exactly.
Speaker 2:There's so many reasons that you are.
Speaker 1:So many reasons. It's like our families. I don't even know if they knew at that point.
Speaker 2:I don't think they did.
Speaker 1:They are our best friends. So, anyways, I'm sitting there and I got my hat on super low and they call Dre's name. And then I stand up and I was sitting right underneath this lamp that was hanging from the ceiling and I had my hat on so low I didn't see it, so I stood up and I smashed my head.
Speaker 2:They're low. You're not a little guy, but they're low.
Speaker 1:And it just starts like it was so loud, so loud. It turns around and looks and I'm looking down and they're trying to make a joke about like are you all right? And I'm like yeah, yeah, I'm good, I'm good, and I kept walking and then I hit my head into another, a second lamp.
Speaker 2:And everyone in the room is now watching us. What is wrong with this guy?
Speaker 1:Not everybody is just staring at us and I just put my head down and it's like sprint towards the door, very smooth.
Speaker 2:Oh, that was great. I'm like, well, if they didn't know we were here before, they do know.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so they have been fantastic, though I love them. And they said that I asked them how many, or what's like the is there a busy season for babies being born? And they said ever since COVID, it's just been nonstop.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And I believe they said that they delivered, just in that office alone, over 300 babies a month.
Speaker 2:It's crazy, crazy. I also feel like this year especially is the year of the baby. I feel like everyone is having a baby this year.
Speaker 1:Yeah, is that just cause we're having a baby?
Speaker 2:Maybe that's why we noticed it a little bit more. I didn't think about it like that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but I also thought that recently too, I felt like everybody's pregnant.
Speaker 2:Or announcing that they're pregnant and like gonna have a baby, or yeah.
Speaker 1:But they've been great. So we're just going by everything that they advise us to do.
Speaker 2:We love our doctor.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's fantastic. Can I have her on the podcast? You said, yeah, I should have her on the podcast.
Speaker 2:Dr Sangani.
Speaker 1:Here we go, All feelings. Guesses on gender.
Speaker 2:Girl. Yeah, you're just adamant about that, which is so crazy because I was so boy for so long. Like I would only call them E. I hate saying it, so I say them. But every time I say them even people that know I'm pregnant go them Like no, I say them because I don't know the gender. They think I'm referring to multiples. I'm not, yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I am leaning. I don't know.
Speaker 2:He doesn't want to say it. He won't even tell me. He won't even tell me, in the privacy of our own home, what you think this baby is.
Speaker 1:I don't know. 26 Alicia, complain yourself back and forth and ask the same question for the very first. There was a time we went to the doctors. They did the ultrasounds and thought we saw a penis. Oh, thought we saw a penis.
Speaker 2:I didn't know you were going there with that, all right.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Well, no, we didn't think, we-.
Speaker 1:We saw Scanned over. There's something in between the legs.
Speaker 2:And we both went. You looked down at me and I looked up at you and I was like oh no did you just see that, but it was. That was very early and the kid would have been absolutely hung if that would have been a penis at that time.
Speaker 1:My boy.
Speaker 2:Okay, ridiculous.
Speaker 1:But so we're sitting there and I'm kind of like sick to my, so I'm not in a bad way, just like we really wanted to be a surprise. And here we are like oh, we just saw a penis, it's a boy.
Speaker 2:I've never seen you be so anal about something.
Speaker 1:I was shook.
Speaker 2:I mean, you have been so. Every time we go in for an ultrasound, every time we've gone into a test, our anatomy scan it's always been like we don't want to know, we don't want to know, we don't want to know, we don't want to know. You didn't even want me to get a 3D ultrasound that everybody gets for fun.
Speaker 1:Well, I hear, because you were so scared. There's so many stories of people that are just like the doctor or the tech just ended up slipping and saying something. So every time somebody walks into the room, I go. We don't want to know the gender.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah.
Speaker 1:So anyway? So we thought we saw a penis. And then we are sitting there and our doctor this is the same appointment. This is the same exact appointment.
Speaker 2:Wasn't it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think so, Our doctor. I got a video right here. I'm going to pull it up.
Speaker 2:Okay. Says my voice. I'm so sorry, Apologize in advance.
Speaker 1:Here we go.
Speaker 2:Okay now it's so hard stretching our legs, that's so clear.
Speaker 1:Just hanging out Listen one more time Stretching her legs. So in the same appointment we thought we saw a penis and then the doctor says there she is hanging out stretching her legs.
Speaker 2:And she knows we don't want to know. And she's young and with it. And like I don't know. She doesn't seem like someone who would slip.
Speaker 1:So maybe we're like okay, maybe you just resort she resorts to that Instead of saying it all day like we don't like to say it, so you got to say one way or the other. And so we didn't say anything to her until the next appointment and we're like hey, so last time.
Speaker 2:And that's when they were about a month apart. Yeah, a month and a month and a half apart.
Speaker 1:You're like you kind of. We noticed that you said stretching her legs, like trying to get a reaction out of her, and she was like, oh, so anyway, and then she just completely started talking about something else and hoping that she was going to say oh yeah, I don't think anything of that, I just say her all the time and she didn't even acknowledge it, like it was almost, like she was like ooh, did I really say that?
Speaker 2:She just looked at you and I and we were both like, well, we heard you. And she had a paper in her hand. I think we were talking about the calendar. She literally said, oh so your next appointment. And she just continued on in the next sentence.
Speaker 1:So either way, our brains have been in a pretzel. We don't know. You're saying final guess is a girl.
Speaker 2:I feel like most people are team, used to be team boy and now it's like switching.
Speaker 1:That's the weird thing is, everybody thought it was a boy and everybody thinks it's a girl. I would say I've got more of a intuition or feeling that it's a girl as well. Maybe you heard it here first, but we will find out soon, all right what else do we got?
Speaker 2:What do you want it?
Speaker 1:to be Healthy.
Speaker 2:Don't say a healthy baby and happy. Everyone has an opinion.
Speaker 1:Healthy and happy. It depends.
Speaker 2:If picking was a part of it. If someone said they're coming right now, the head is out. You have to check a box on this piece of paper.
Speaker 1:I want to check it. Oh my God, I want to do it. I want to do it. You're no fun From Diane Gatorfan. What percent? Excited, nervous, anxious and scared? We already said that you were just excited.
Speaker 2:I'm just excited.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm obviously a little scared.
Speaker 2:Is it weird that I'm kind of excited to like feel the pain? I want to get an epidural, but the initial pain no. I think it's so cool You're made to do that. I said I'm excited for the pain. I don't know what that sounds weird, but not that I don't want an epidural because I do so I think that's why I'm excited. I know that there's something that's going to help.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Although my really good college friend had a very bad experience with the epidural. It didn't take multiple times and she had to go in for a C-section and because they couldn't numb her down she had to go into general anesthesia and that was scary.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and then you just knocked out and then you wake up.
Speaker 2:She couldn't even hold the baby until an hour and a half later.
Speaker 1:I know so. It's like the baby comes out, they just give it to the father and the mother still passed out. That's crazy.
Speaker 2:Oh, I did want to ask you this, though, because I had a meeting with our pediatrician last night. I met him for the first time Fantastic and I was going to ask you. He said I just I want you guys to not be afraid to send the baby into the nursery at night. Get some sleep, get some rest, like you're going to need it. What is your thoughts on that? Because, like my dad was like she's not going anywhere.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Unless I I'm going to bring a Sharpie and I'm going to put Booth on the forehead of the baby as soon as it comes out of you, yeah.
Speaker 2:Cause I would be fine with that. And then they say like once they're fussy, just bring him back and I'll breastfeed, but so we can get some sleep.
Speaker 1:I thought they just keep him in the room with you.
Speaker 2:You can do both. You can like send him to the nursery, which some people do, to just like guarantee that you get some rest, cause a lot of times you're anxious, you're looking over, but they so that there's people watching them and monitoring them, and then, when they get fussy, they'll bring him into feed. What are your thoughts on that? Or do you want them in the room the whole time?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I probably want them in the room the whole time. I just got a weird fear of them mixing up babies.
Speaker 2:I know that that's oh, you think that's?
Speaker 1:still going to happen. What the crazy thing is is that's probably happened a bunch in the olden days and people have no idea. You don't think so. It's 2023. Yeah, what do they do as soon as they come out? They put like a bracelet on them.
Speaker 2:My mom thought they mixed me up, though, cause I didn't look anything like she thought I was going to that's crazy.
Speaker 1:So as soon as the baby comes out, they-.
Speaker 2:Put it on my chest.
Speaker 1:I cut the umbilical cord.
Speaker 2:Yeah, ooh, they did ask him if he wanted to catch.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I said no.
Speaker 1:They not even get to answer you or like absolutely not.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but you cut the umbilical cord. They laid the baby on my chest.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Well, yeah, this is pending at all, and this is just a guess. I think I've never done this before.
Speaker 1:Yeah, then they clean them up.
Speaker 2:Clean them up. But you also I know that some I've had some girl someone was talking about this recently that she just has a weird thing with like blood and all that stuff. So she was like, can you, before you lay the baby back on me, can you just clean it off like really quick and then bring it back?
Speaker 1:Interesting and you're just like.
Speaker 2:Oh, take it out, come at me, they're all the baby on me.
Speaker 1:Yeah, 100% on your boy and girl name 100%. We don't have middle names yet though.
Speaker 2:They're not going to have middle names. I don't think.
Speaker 1:We were talking about it. We're like maybe we just don't do middle names.
Speaker 2:Because if it's a girl, she can move Booth to her middle name when she gets married.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:But we were going to do a cool. Well, you made it sound like the first episode that we were going to hyphenate names, but we were going to do something to try to incorporate my last name in a way. Yeah, the girl version sounded very hick, and the more my mother kept saying it to me over and, over and over in her accent, I couldn't. I like ruined it for me. Yeah, I was like I can't do it.
Speaker 1:Are we crazy for not having middle names?
Speaker 2:I don't know. She says we are.
Speaker 1:Yeah Well, we're still thinking about it. We're still thinking about it.
Speaker 2:I think that you should pick them because I did both of the first names.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I've been trying to think about it. Let's see here.
Speaker 2:Do you know anybody that doesn't have a middle name, like that's close to you, that you would know if they didn't?
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:I don't Do you ever use your middle name.
Speaker 1:Never.
Speaker 2:I don't either.
Speaker 1:Never Do you feel like consistently working out helped with your pregnancy.
Speaker 2:Yes, I wish I would have done it even more, especially in that first 11 weeks. I really took some time off and I think that it would have helped me not be as tired, not be as sick, feel better, and I wish I would have just pushed through a little bit, although you can't tell yourself that at the time You're so tired.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:But I wish, even in this last you know couple of months but I was, I'm work full time and I'm just feeling like I'm go-go I was still shooting weddings even so. Yeah, I didn't feel like I was sedentary.
Speaker 1:Are you excited that you don't have to shoot some weddings for a while and travel oh?
Speaker 2:yeah, I was so excited for that last plane ride and then I got horrifically sick.
Speaker 1:You did? What are precautions or rules for people meeting baby Booth?
Speaker 2:They're going to be a little bit more strict because of the season that we're in. We're having a baby in the peak of flu and RSV season and it's been really bad. So the pediatrician did give us some recommendations last night. He said no one under the age of five should be interacting with the baby for the first couple of months, which I was like oh, Because they're just little germ balls.
Speaker 2:He said but we have such close friends that have babies, but that's eight weeks, you know, they're still so tiny, but I can't imagine us, you know, keeping our friends baby away. But he said no, places like Target, a grocery store, anything like that, a gym for first few months of their life and then but he's anywhere outdoors is totally fine.
Speaker 2:I just think that we're going to keep it to really close friends and family for a while until we get out of the season that we're in. But I don't think I would be that crazy if it wasn't just the season.
Speaker 1:Right, who will you have in the delivery room?
Speaker 2:You and medical professionals.
Speaker 1:That's it, the lucky one.
Speaker 2:Would you have others?
Speaker 1:No, I don't think there's a need for that. I know my sister had my other sister in the room with her, I would, and her husband. He had a sister.
Speaker 2:The only other person I would let in is your sister.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Before even my mom.
Speaker 1:I love you, mom, but she doesn't want to be in there. No, she's made that very clear. Yeah, that's crazy that it's just coming so soon. We got the rundown of the. We got the little rundown of the hospital. You're supposed to go on like a tour but you were in the hospital sick and they were doing a tour while we were in the waiting room.
Speaker 2:So we heard everything.
Speaker 1:Yeah. Have you ever wavered on the final two names chosen, or are you 100% certain?
Speaker 2:I've been 100%.
Speaker 1:you have wavered In the last month you wanted to use the form.
Speaker 2:Which is crazy, because you were so unsure of the boy name at first and then you came back and you love it so much now that you started saying, oh, should we use it for the girl? Should we use it for if? Even if it went both ways?
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:I think you just love the name so much and it's so unique to us. You know so. But and then you, there was other names that you've brought up, like oh I've, I heard that again and I do really love it. But yeah no, I think we've stayed pretty strong.
Speaker 1:Pretty strong. Yeah, I've definitely started shifting a little bit here. I think just because so much time has gone by, you start overthinking everything.
Speaker 2:And then we have the, the baby outfits, laying in the bassinet, and so we'll walk by and look at them and I think you just see the boy name and you love it Again.
Speaker 1:You love it so much so you're like, oh, yeah, do you plan to take shifts to take care of a booth so you can both get some sleep?
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:No shifts.
Speaker 2:I mean and I'm saying this from somebody who's never done this before, so things could totally change, but I think that, lord willing, I am breastfeeding as well as I hope to be. I think it makes more sense for me to handle the night stuff so that one of us especially the one who's going to be going to work a lot quicker than I am and a lot more than me that you are rested and a little bit more and just able to help.
Speaker 2:I've heard that, like some women just take over the nights so that the men are rested and can get up and help, and I'd rather you be good to go if I need help in the day.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Somebody asked here too when I plan on working or going back to work.
Speaker 2:Sean, when do you plan on working or going back to work? I?
Speaker 1:mean it's going to be pretty soon after. I told myself yeah, I'm not going to stop. No well, I told myself I want to like, for at least like a week, not go to the gym Physically, still work from home. Yeah yeah, that's just so crazy busy.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's just a busy time of year for the gym, I mean for gyms in general. I feel like Well not really, but You're going to get ready for the new year? Yeah, you're doing stuff.
Speaker 1:Technically the slow season for the gyms when the holidays come, so that is a good part. Yeah, that's true, Because everybody's traveling everybody leaves town and Nashville's obviously a place where people move from all over the country. So when it gets to November, December, so definitely a little bit slower and yeah. People in general just start getting lazier around the holidays or eat like crap. They're drinking, they got holiday parties and they're just like I'm going to start the new year. Start the new year. So that is good, that it won't be as busy.
Speaker 2:What if you think about it Then the some of the one of the busiest times for gyms will be yeah, and the baby is going to be two weeks old.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so it's going to be wild, you're not going to have much time off. Right, so you delay cord clamping. So many great benefits. Don't even know what that is.
Speaker 2:Don't either.
Speaker 1:All right, next question. Next question no, we're not delay cord clamping. We don't know what that is. Is Walter stoked to be a big brother?
Speaker 2:He has absolutely 100% no idea.
Speaker 1:I don't know, he's been very.
Speaker 2:He has been a little bit more, but he always is, though.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think he's going to be such a good brother. He's so excited though.
Speaker 2:He does, he's got to be very careful. Yeah, but it's not. I would never, ever worry about Walter doing anything that was aggressive, intentional or anything like that, ever. He does not have that in him at all. He just gets very, very excited.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he does that with everybody. Yeah, he's going to be so sweet with the baby. He's very.
Speaker 2:But with he's really good with kids.
Speaker 1:With toddlers.
Speaker 2:With toddlers. He hasn't seen a lot of Infants. He was his first one ever Thanksgiving. Yeah, Our friends baby.
Speaker 1:He's got the lick in the baby. Do you plan on posting pics on social media or will you keep things private?
Speaker 2:Great question. It's a great question because this is something that I struggle with and I go back and forth a lot.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I'm not sure.
Speaker 1:Same yeah, we don't know yet.
Speaker 2:I just don't know about their face.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we're just going to kind of.
Speaker 2:But then it's like how do you? I also know so many people that do, and I would love to talk to someone that has doesn't and then does, oops, doesn't and doesn't. I don't know.
Speaker 1:As well. The very next question was will you guys be posting your baby on social media right away, or will you wait?
Speaker 2:I think we'll wait.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, definitely wait.
Speaker 2:On their face at least. Yeah, maybe the little feet.
Speaker 1:Right, yeah, um, but for real, what is the most uncomfortable thing in third trimester? He said sleeping, sleep, yeah.
Speaker 2:Sleep.
Speaker 1:What are you packing in your hospital bag? Me or you he was referencing the last podcast. Yeah, I've got the bag. I know which bag I'm bringing.
Speaker 2:Yeah, he was modeling them. The other night he was walking up the stairs with each bag and then he had the car seat.
Speaker 1:Yeah, again, some practice reps in the list that everybody provided on my Instagram was awesome and I went to Amazon and I ordered the 10 foot long chargers. I ordered the portable fan.
Speaker 2:We already had it. Even though we already had one, somehow he missed that it was sitting on top of the stroller. That's been.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I ordered like some baby Shisher thing.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it was like a sound machine, to be quite clear. I've had my bag mostly packed for a few months.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you've been ready to rock.
Speaker 2:I'm ready to rock, but I still don't know if I'm doing anything. A lot of people say that they go so overboard. So overboard and then the hospital gives you so much.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And they saw all this stuff is better.
Speaker 1:Like somebody was like in here, are you bringing Christmas stuff to make it feel like Christmas in the hospital room? No, I'm like I think that's a little.
Speaker 2:We're good.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and then we're like a fake Christmas tree and like throw some lights up around the room put some stockings out.
Speaker 2:Really, wouldn't surprise me if that was something you did.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:A big ambiance guy.
Speaker 1:Ambiance. I do like the ambiance, especially right now with Christmas. Oh yeah, somebody says they've been so impatient the last weeks up to the due date. Any tips on not worrying about when?
Speaker 2:I could see that. I feel like we get that sometimes. Like sometimes you're like I just want the baby here now. But if you realize that, you know I get anxiety about going over because you just hear like crazy stories of something happening or going wrong at this stage and I just like can't even imagine and my heart breaks for people that that happens to and they've carried a baby for this long and then something happens. I mean I just think you have to listen to your gut. If you feel like something's wrong, go in. Don't ever feel stupid. I mean there've been times that I've like I don't want to call, I don't want to ask, I don't want to do anything because I don't want to seem dramatic. But at the end of the day yeah.
Speaker 2:And if whatever keeps your peace of mind, do it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's good advice. That's good advice Do you have like? Oh, we got to get the playlist together.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, you're into it.
Speaker 1:You're better at that than me. Cool, that's exciting.
Speaker 2:What song do you want to be playing as they enter the world? The song that reminded you of them this entire time.
Speaker 1:That'd be a good one. We got so many of them, so many of them.
Speaker 2:What are you most nervous for? About delivery.
Speaker 1:Obviously just something going wrong with you and the baby. It's a terrifying thing, but you know, I always think back to. We've been delivering babies for thousands of years.
Speaker 2:Gave women delivered babies.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And they're just fine. They sure didn't.
Speaker 1:Yeah, which is crazy to think about. I always laugh. Now with all the tips and the technology, with everything.
Speaker 2:It's like what are they used to do with babies?
Speaker 1:Like we're. I mean, we were talking about it, I forget with who.
Speaker 2:Don't you feel like it's become so, like parenting and pregnancy and birthing has become almost like controversial too, like there's so many different opinions? Yeah, you should do this and you should do that.
Speaker 1:I think that's just with everything because of social media, where now everybody has access to everybody's thoughts and opinions Insane. Before you didn't, you would just find some articles and stuff, and now it's everybody's a professional and everything.
Speaker 2:Oh my.
Speaker 1:God. So that's where.
Speaker 2:They agree.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think that just goes with anything, but it is crazy to think about the good old days. It's like what you took the baby out, threw him in your stroller and you have a crib at home, and now you have all these freaking noonas and these like.
Speaker 2:Noonas and doonas and the rockers and the bassinettes, and. Foot monitoring.
Speaker 1:Monitor all different types of monitors.
Speaker 2:When it's crazy, and my mom said she just felt the pulse. Oh, you're good. Yeah, you would just reach and make sure that the rhythm Mom said she was at the grocery store like 24 hours later and be like all right, baby's good.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:She had kids to shop for.
Speaker 1:Well, that's what I want to do, is I want to be able to bring the baby out into the world. I know, obviously being cautious of them getting sick or during the season, but I want to introduce them and acclimate them as soon as possible.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I just think that it's only because of the season we're having the baby in.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:It would be different.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Unfortunately, but I never saw myself having a December baby.
Speaker 1:Yeah. I think it's because I'm a summer baby.
Speaker 2:I don't know what that even means, because I don't know if you can.
Speaker 1:you know you plan it, but Some people do plan the seasons for their babies.
Speaker 2:I like the season I was pregnant with.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I wish that the baby was. If I did it again, I think that I would want us to have a baby in the fall.
Speaker 1:Because imagine being pregnant in the Tennessee.
Speaker 2:Nope yeah, but then if you have the baby in the fall the walks and it's a little bit colder now. But like last month I was thinking, especially in October I was thinking when everybody was going. I saw the people with their babies going on the walks and it was just fall and it was perfect temperature out.
Speaker 1:I was like oh, I wish the baby was here. Well, just think then the baby will be even cuter and a little bit bigger for the next fall. No, crazy.
Speaker 2:Crazy.
Speaker 1:My whole social media feed timeline. Anything now is just little babies and dogs.
Speaker 2:Because all we send each other is babies. So if that's, I mean.
Speaker 1:It's wild.
Speaker 2:You just sent me a really interesting video about screen time.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I try and like save as many informational posts as well, and I'm like not overwhelming myself, but kind of because there's so many things I want to be able to like be on top of as there's babies here and it's like you should do this, you should do that Like especially with acclimating them to their wake time and their sleep time, as far as, like, as soon as they get up, they should see the light.
Speaker 2:I've seen so many things about that and then I just hear I've listened to so many other moms say you're going to do whatever makes them happy and keep them calm.
Speaker 1:And also, isn't there like a lot of people that are saying you should just let them cry?
Speaker 2:Yeah, sleep training yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, which is tough.
Speaker 2:But I think that's when they get a little bit older. I don't think we're going to have to worry about that for a little bit.
Speaker 1:Yeah, are you nervous about their sleeping?
Speaker 2:No, no, I think it's just something you got to get through. If we have a bad sleeper, you know we'll do whatever we can. I've a lot of people that have bad sleepers that I've talked to said that what saved them was hiring like a night nurse, like a couple of times a week, because they help someone who's trained to train them and then it allows you to really like and they do all the feeds and everything and allows you to get some sleep a couple of nights a week. I mean, people have said that that has changed their life.
Speaker 1:Really, yeah, who knows. I feel like at the end of the day, it's really just you got to, you just got to do it, and you can try and be ready for it. I was like are you ready, are you ready? I'm like, no, I'm not ready. Nobody's ever ready, you just get thrown into the fire.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and you just deal with it. I feel like we don't have any crazy opinions or strict thoughts either way. We're both kind of just like we're doing it However it comes.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and it's coming.
Speaker 2:I can't wait, we're going to have a newborn on Christmas morning. That's exciting I already got there, ones already.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we have a lot of clothes.
Speaker 2:We do. If you opened up the closet to the nursery, you would think we were having a boy.
Speaker 1:Yeah, probably yeah. We've just been so lucky and fortunate with the people in our lives and people sending us stuff, and we're so grateful and we're lucky enough to celebrate. We had a baby shower and it was at Penn's Mechanical here in Nashville and I don't know if you've never been there. It's basically like a huge, huge bar, super cool environment.
Speaker 2:Del Arcade.
Speaker 1:Duck pins or duck bowling Is that?
Speaker 2:what it's called.
Speaker 1:I think so. It's a smaller pins and it has all types of games. We had this patio rented out for us and it was just like the perfect. It was perfect, perfect baby shower. So you should definitely. If you're ever thinking about doing a private event or anything in Nashville, that's the spot Beautiful weather, tvs we had our own bar and just playing.
Speaker 2:My family was here. Your family was here, all our friends it was. It's such a special time and there's no other time like it in your life, and I just remember being so excited that day.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:What if you only do this once?
Speaker 1:I know Wild Are you excited dad. I'm excited. I can't wait. I just want to see what the baby is.
Speaker 2:And.
Speaker 1:I'm even, even though I'm like you don't even know what they're going to really look like either for a while.
Speaker 2:People say that my mom says this a lot. I felt like with my brother and sister and all they're both. You know they have both up dark hair. You know lighter eyes one has dark eyes but it's easy when you look at them to kind of mix them together. But she has a hard time looking at you and I, and I think it's because we look so different.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Like mixing us together. I think my prediction is we're going to have a baby girl. She's going to come out looking just like you.
Speaker 1:You think she'll have blonde hair?
Speaker 2:Blonde hair, blue eyes like our friend's baby Ava looks exactly like.
Speaker 1:Exactly like Charlie.
Speaker 2:But I feel like most people that I know right now that have babies besides one. They look they're girls that look just like their dads, and then my friend that has a boy looks just like her.
Speaker 1:How do the genes translate over?
Speaker 2:I don't know. They just mix it all together and boom kid.
Speaker 1:It's crazy.
Speaker 2:What do you think?
Speaker 1:I don't know. I think I just been so open about the whole thing and not trying to set my mind towards one way or the other. So I don't want I yeah. I do have a strong feeling, though, that it's going to be a girl the closer we get to the date.
Speaker 2:And we don't know that. I've heard some people say that or seen some people say that. We know that we're just acting like we don't. We really don't.
Speaker 1:Are you glad we waited?
Speaker 2:Yes, thank you dad for convincing me to do that. I will never want to know.
Speaker 1:Really.
Speaker 2:I will never, ever, ever want to know what I'm having. It is one of the greatest things I've ever experienced.
Speaker 1:Because I think you get to experience it for so long. You got nine or 10 months where it's like. Then we'll know their gender for the rest of our lives.
Speaker 2:We will.
Speaker 1:And when you do the gender reveal then it's like okay, then that excitement lasts for a little bit, but then I don't know. You can argue both ways. I think this way is a little bit cooler.
Speaker 2:No, this way is better.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's becoming a little more popular.
Speaker 2:I know what the doctors are saying. Well, it used to be that the test that you would have to do to find out was like expensive, so people just didn't do it. Okay, now it's just like I'm going to tell you they called us at 10 weeks.
Speaker 1:They have businesses for freaking gender reveals, and it was only hard.
Speaker 2:That first, you know, because leading up to that we couldn't have known. Even if we wanted to know, no one could, no one knew. And then it was only difficult where I was like, oh, two weeks after we, maybe. But they called us with the genetic results and said, got the gender here, do you want to know? And I remember looking at you and you were like, nope. Oh, it was only hard for a couple of weeks and then after that I became like you know, I was like I would be so, almost like a mad if I found out, yeah.
Speaker 2:And it's been the greatest, one of the greatest surprises and joys of my life to not know Absolutely. I love it. And we got all the people that say I could never do that you could.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's worth it, because you used to be like that.
Speaker 2:Oh, I was so like I don't know how people do that, because we have friends that we've talked to that they did it. We were asking them a bunch of questions when we were in Italy and they had. They didn't know that I was pregnant and we were asking them a bunch of questions because their whole family does that and I always looked at her and said I don't know how you do that.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Awesome.
Speaker 1:Crazy. That's a long go to. That's a long. Do you think people listen to this right now or, like these two, have no idea what they're getting into? Oh, 110%, there's moms out there right now with their kid and they're probably like running around the house and they've got, like you know, their kid in their arm and one sock on and trying to make breakfast and they're like, ah, these two little innocent kids have no clue what's about to wreak havoc on their lives.
Speaker 2:Oh, God, but I do think that we've both tried to do a really good job of educating ourselves. Or we feel like we need to, but not having any strong opinions on, you know, thinking that, or plant trying to plan too much and saying that this is going to go this way, this is going to do this, we're going to do this, I think we're both like hey, Whatever happens happens and we're going to do the absolute best we can, and I don't, you can't expect anything.
Speaker 1:Right, you can't.
Speaker 2:Besides a healthy baby.
Speaker 1:Crazy. I think it's just wearing me down and just like thinking about it.
Speaker 2:Really.
Speaker 1:Not just like we're at the end of the road, it's like it's go time. I'm starting to get that. It's almost like that anxious feeling that I'd have before, like a sports game, or like you know, you prepare for something and you're just looking forward to it and it's like you're waiting, waiting, waiting. It's like come on, let's do it.
Speaker 2:Has there been anything about pregnancy that's like really surprised you. You didn't expect as like a partner.
Speaker 1:Um no, you know, my body stayed pretty solid and slept pretty good, and now it's been having slept pretty good. Um no, like I said, you just been a rock star through it all, but you are definitely definitely fading quick.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's bad.
Speaker 1:You're wobbling and you are struggling with almost everything. Yeah, how much weight do you think you've gained?
Speaker 2:I don't think I know 42?.
Speaker 1:Just about Really? Is that like an average?
Speaker 2:Nice. How'd you know that?
Speaker 1:I'm good at guessing, hmm.
Speaker 2:So good at guessing One thing about Sean B, the guy can guess.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:That was wild. That's spot on.
Speaker 1:Was it? How'd you know that Like you just?
Speaker 2:I mean I guess I could have gained more, but that's what I gained at the doctor last, Like the exact amount.
Speaker 1:Because people keep asking me too, like what's the baby weighing in at right now? And I'm like Because I'm confused too, because other people say that.
Speaker 2:you know, when we were donating, even to the rescue mission for work, the girl said she went early because the baby was measuring at like nine pounds at 38 weeks and I was like no one's ever said anything about what the baby is measuring. I'm like I don't know how they're speaking.
Speaker 1:You can see it? Yeah, yeah, the baby right now.
Speaker 2:There's a big old. I don't know what it, what is what? Well, it's flipped down, that's down, we did, we did turn.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we turned.
Speaker 2:Which is great.
Speaker 1:But that thing just moves like crazy, which I'm like. Is that a sign that they're going to be active? Probably no correlations how much they move in the belly when you're pregnant.
Speaker 2:Something will correct you.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Do you think your belly's dropped is starting to a little bit? It's all you've always carried high.
Speaker 2:I don't know.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't know you haven't carried low.
Speaker 2:I don't know.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't think so.
Speaker 2:And all the people that are like, oh, she's carrying this way, it's definitely this. It turns out that actually has no correlation to what you're having. No, it's all about how you're built. And then, of course, you carry different from one pregnancy to the next, because pregnancy changes your body composition, right. So if you carry different, and just because it's different to genders doesn't mean that it's a different.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:You know so. But I will say, though, that I, I, you know, I've, we've always said this too is I showed super fast, and I think my belly grew really quickly like dusty from the gym.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I think that he'd ever seen a pregnant woman get so pregnant so fast.
Speaker 1:I know a lot of people have said that like you got pregnant and then you were pregnant.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, but then I think Okay, we can't hide this for very long. And then my pregnancy almost caught up to where now I feel like when I stand up and look down, my belly is not ginormous.
Speaker 1:Now stand up for the camera here. Let's see.
Speaker 2:All right.
Speaker 1:Do a little little turn the side. Yeah, right here, look at that, it's so. Yeah, you can see what Wild. Do you forget what it feels like to have like your pre-pregnant body?
Speaker 2:Oh, I guess I do need a mic. Do you remember what it was even like for me to not be pregnant? I don't, yeah. But you will say, the nice thing about being pregnant is it doesn't matter how I sit, how I stand, if I sucked in, if I didn't, if whatever, I'm pregnant.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's kind of nice Just kind of be like hmm, and I am a belly out girl and sometimes I can see that it grosses people out, like when we went out to Broadway, I think, three or four weeks ago. They're really going crazy right now. Well, hope you can see that on camera. I mean not to Broadway, like three or four weeks ago I had a shirt on that had a mic belly completely out, and I can see people's different reactions of like oh, and then some people are like yeah like when we went to that concert.
Speaker 2:I had so like three or four women right when I walked in. Come up to me, like your style with the belly. I would just so much rather let it hang and try to cover it up.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you always have that thing out. It's awesome, they're ready.
Speaker 2:They're rocking and rolling. They're trying to crawl out now as we speak. They're trying to talk.
Speaker 1:Well, they're crawling out, we are ready, we can't wait to meet them, and we will have Dre and the baby on next time We'll get to get in this room here, which will be wild.
Speaker 2:It went by task.
Speaker 1:Any last words for the people listening any tips, tricks, advice? Maybe somebody's listening right now. They're like their second trimester. What do you want to tell them?
Speaker 2:Soak it on. It goes by so fast and you will miss it. And just soak in every single moment, every single milestone, every kick. And just listen to your body.
Speaker 1:There we go. Beautiful set baby boot is coming. You guys will keep you posted until then. Team on three.
Speaker 2:We'll see you next time.