In The Booth with Shawn Booth
You may know Shawn Booth from The Bachelorette, you may know him as a fitness guy who owns a gym in Nashville, or you may just know his dog, Walter.
Tune in as Shawn sits down with people from all walks of life: artists, athletes, entrepreneurs, military personnel, badass moms, fitness professionals, and everything in between. You'll hear motivational stories, healthy habits that lead to success, relationship tips, and more.
However you know him, you'll get to know the real Shawn and his guests right here on In The Booth.
In The Booth with Shawn Booth
Would You Rather ..
We are back In The Booth! Shawn preps for a hybrid fitness race, while SamCat enjoys a 10-day break from tour life. Listen in for 'would you rather' questions, a peek at Shawn's 'For You' page, Locks updates, and SamCat's morning romantic egg ritual. Plus, a debate on Shawn's speed in 'SuperMarket Sweep' grocery shopping style!
We are back in the booth, on Sean booth, and thank you guys for tuning in. Wherever you're tuning in from maybe you are listening in Springfield, massachusetts, maybe you are in Las Vegas, nevada, or maybe you're in Clarksville, tennessee. Wherever you are, and hopefully you guys are having a great week. It's been a week or so since we've last spoken to you, but we are here. We're gonna catch up on all the good things that we got going on right now. And to my left, she is here. She is well rested, she got black pants, cheetah print shoes, sweatshirt, curly hair and she is owl cat today, folks that makes absolutely no sense to anyone who wasn't listening in pre-film experience.
Speaker 2:Well, we were talking about how you are psychotic and go to bed at 8 53 pm, which I know a lot of people go to bed early, but I was just saying that I was my whole household, my whole life. We've always been night owls, like we go to bed late and wake up late. Yeah, and then you just absolutely took that little piece of information and ran with it for an extended period of time, calling me a night owl, which then obviously transitioned into owl cat you're such a night owl like when you go to the dictionary for night owl it's like your face is in there.
Speaker 2:I couldn't agree more yeah. I want to be a morning person. I do really love mornings, it's just it's hard for me yeah, they're hard.
Speaker 1:We're just talking about because I have been up now since. Well, I took out my whoop hashtag not sponsored and I was up at 1 53 in the morning today. I've been up since 1 53, not by design, I was saying it was one of those things where you wake up from a deep sleep I don't know if this happens to you and then all of a sudden your brain just starts racing. You're laying in bed just like thinking of everything and you can't go back to sleep. And I had to get up at 4. I had an alarm for 4 16 4 18, so I was just laying in bed for a few hours, but I went to bed at 8 53 pm.
Speaker 2:So I don't know, I truly cannot tell you. The last time I went to bed at 8 53 pm yeah. I was a toddler.
Speaker 1:I mean I could have gone to bed earlier too. I mean I was exhausted yesterday.
Speaker 2:When you wake up, at 2 o'clock in the morning.
Speaker 1:You're obviously gonna be tired by 8 yeah, that's so four hours and 40 minutes of sleep, right there. Two hours and 10 minutes of restorative sleep, two and a half hours of light sleep, rem 29%. I don't know why I'm reading you my sleep statistics, but here we are no, this is interesting stuff.
Speaker 2:I I feel like I have the type of brain that, like I could not get a whoop or any of those things because I would become so obsessed, right, and so addicted to like I gotta chill. I have a. Yeah, I mean, you know, we've talked about this a million times, you're the same. I'm an all-or-nothing type of gal, right? So if I get too far into that, yeah gonna be bad news. It's gonna be the opposite of what's intended is to help you.
Speaker 1:It would yeah, yeah, well, cuz you can wake up and you feel good. And then you look at your whoop and it's like just kidding, no, you don't. You're not recovered today. And so when I woke up this morning at 2 o'clock it was like health alert, your respiratory rate is very elevated today. And I was like, oh, my god, am I having a heart attack? Am I dying? So I'm doing. Why my respiratory rate was so high? And there's, you know, probably the most likely was a recent challenging workout. So I worked out hard yesterday all day Saturday Friday, just like really hard because we're training for high rocks, competition and two weeks where's that one?
Speaker 2:Washington DC the capitol yeah are you doing a team thing like? Yeah who's your partner?
Speaker 1:Jordan Peters shut up.
Speaker 2:Yeah, is he really yeah, I miss Jordy P yeah.
Speaker 1:So Jordan Peters. He opened BC up a me. He's the best dude ever and he is a freak athlete, just an endurance athlete. He qualifies for half Ironman World Championships, like every year. So I was like we got to do this. It's fun, little bonding and the high rocks competition it started a few years ago over in Europe and it's making its way over to the States is getting pretty popular. It's basically what they call a hybrid race, so it's a lot of running and then exercises in between the run. So you have a kilometer run, which is point six, zero miles, and then you have a thousand meters on the skier. You got to break it up between you two and then after that I thought, another kilometer run and then a sled push, like 300 pounds, and then a kilometer run, sled pull, kilometer run, burpees. Kilometer run, rower. So you got to do eight kilometers and you're racing through a course against other people. But you have these like intense exercises in between each kilometer. So you got to be going fast but you're also like spent your legs from.
Speaker 2:I am physically nauseous after listening to that yeah, that is quite literally my worst nightmare yeah wait. So do you think, though, when you're training with Jordan, are you guys, you know, in a team? Yeah first of all, if I'm paired up with someone, I become like a different athlete. I love being with someone else but do you feel like you guys have the same strengths, or are I think we are like?
Speaker 1:perfect for each other on this competition. He's a really good runner and so I've been like running a ton to try and keep up with him so he can pace like he won't even probably need to look at his watch. He's been running across country since he's been a little kid yeah when we did marathon training together. I ran a 330 marathon, he did a 258 what is a good marathon time? I don't know um, so a 330. What I did was about eight minutes per mile that's nice so yeah, that was pretty solid.
Speaker 1:A 258 marathon pace is. Let's see here 258 divided by 26.2 speed, sure, yeah, neither of us here are good at math um device in your hand?
Speaker 2:I don't.
Speaker 1:I think that's around a six. Yeah, it's around a six minute 50 holy shit for 26 months.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's one, it's one, it's brah, we had to run a seven minute mile in college as our preseason training and it was quite literally my downfall every preseason and that was one mile.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so he ran uh sub seven minute miles for 26 miles brah, he is yeah.
Speaker 2:I mean he's always been insane and he's like the longest length, yeah, like yeah just he. His body was made for Ironman's oh, absolutely yeah.
Speaker 1:So he's a stud athlete so he's really good at running. I'm like this is the pace we got to be at. All these guys are running like a six minute mile kilometer pace, so I have to run like a six minute mile pace for those kilometers. So his strength is running and so I'm just gonna like try and just hang on. I'm like I'm just gonna hang on, dude, you run and you have to be like right next to each other so he's gonna be able to push me on the runs. And I think I'm pretty strong at most of those exercises and we work on those exercises all the time at the gym yeah we don't have access to all that equipment okay, where he's at.
Speaker 1:So I think it'd be good. And also it's like coming up with strategy where, as soon as we're back from the run, I'm gonna go straight into the move, say it's a sled push, and then he goes, and then I go again, so then I can rest before the next run sure so whether he's gonna kind of just turn around and run, yeah, gazelle run into. Yes, yeah, exactly where?
Speaker 2:oh, you said Washington.
Speaker 1:Washington. Yeah, so we've got two girls machine Megan Allie summers, who qualified for the world championship in France this summer so you guys don't know who they are.
Speaker 2:You should look at their Instagram and it's scary, but, like in a good way, scary yeah they're bad ass. So they're gonna compete next weekend to get a little practice run in does this have anything to do with the one overseas that they qualified for?
Speaker 1:no, so they're already qualified. It's the same race, so they're just gonna go and race again, but they're already qualified and they're training for France can you qualify?
Speaker 2:yeah?
Speaker 1:Jordan can qualify do you think you're going to that's a goal, but also it's like we are, I mean, very convincing. No, yeah, of course me. I'm a super competitive. I'm gonna be like, yeah, but yeah, we're gonna qualify, okay, you know, I'm 37 and we're in the 30s range. I'm at the wrong end of 30, so we'll be going up against 30, 31, 32 year olds.
Speaker 2:You know, I'm saying yikes, it goes by decade yeah, it's a decade okay, that's tough 21 year old Sammy is not the same as 28 year old, who is not the same as 33, and.
Speaker 1:I know this bitch will be the same.
Speaker 2:37 and guys like 30 young 30s is their prime, yeah except for according to you, because every time I ask you about I'm not in my prime yet yeah, exactly so, yeah, we're gonna qualify.
Speaker 1:That's the goal, okay, yeah, it'll be fun, but we've been doing a ton of training and so that's maybe a reason for my respiratory elevated heart rate we say all that to say that's why you're getting shitty sleep yeah, yeah, but we were just talking about before the show and the reason why we didn't have a podcast last week.
Speaker 1:I was sick as a dog. I was like man, everybody here is coming down with something. Yes, and I have not been that sick in a long time where usually if I'm sick, I can kick it within a few days. This was like I was like is there like something really wrong with me right now? Because it would not go away and it was a full seven days.
Speaker 2:I have heard that that is you, Everyone that I've talked to that has had whatever this mysterious sickness is. Some of them have tested positive for flu but, like you said, you tested negative for it. So maybe it's not that, but it's a full seven days of just being completely wiped out. Fever sleep, chills, sweats, the whole nine. Sore throat yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and it was. Yeah. It tested negative for flu, negative for strep, negative for COVID and the doctor was even like, well, a lot of people you know, sometimes the flu test comes back negative, but it sounds like it could be, but you really do have it yeah. But then I took Tama Flu and I was talking to you about that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I didn't do anything. Dude Tama Flu does save you, though, if you have the flu, so maybe you didn't have it.
Speaker 1:I always saw it growing up that the flu was when you're throwing up. I don't know why I always thought that.
Speaker 2:I couldn't agree with you more. I don't know if there was like some 90s Nickelodeon propaganda that we consumed, but that's specifically the stomach flu. But when I think the flu, it's just like yeah. But it's, I guess, with our infinite wisdom, as we've aged, you realize that there's more than one type.
Speaker 1:I mean, I woke up in the middle of the night, when the first nights, and my bed was drenched.
Speaker 2:I hate that.
Speaker 1:And I was like where's the thermometer? And I had like 102 temperature. Okay, Holy crap, I'm dying.
Speaker 2:This is making me nervous because I'm about to internationally travel and like I cannot feel like that and travel internationally.
Speaker 1:Well, you're nervous, you're not gonna get sick. For me, this was two weeks ago.
Speaker 2:No, we're still in the same room, breathing the same air.
Speaker 1:There was two weeks ago, but you're not the only one.
Speaker 2:I guess what I'm saying like it's, I can everyone I know is just falling like dominoes. And so I'm just like really trying to just not yeah, and there's only so much you can do.
Speaker 1:And I'm like man, I hate working out at gym. I love it, but I'm like I. So many of you guys come in, you're sick and I'm here all day and I see hundreds and hundreds of people.
Speaker 2:You're sweating on everything. You're using the same equipment. People are nasty even when they're not sick.
Speaker 1:I know, and it's like a small space it's like so many people have like called in and sent emails, like don't give me a late chart, I'm sick, I'm sick, I'm sick, and then, people will come in. They're like I'm just, I'm so sick, I'm just trying to sweat it out. I'm like, no, get out of here.
Speaker 2:Yeah, go sweat it out in your own house or in your backyard. Or just like I don't know rest.
Speaker 1:I know.
Speaker 2:Take care of yourself.
Speaker 1:I was nervous too, that I was going to get lock sick. I was so nervous I won't even pick them up for a couple of days.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:I was just like. I was like don't bring them anywhere near me, sleeping in a separate room and he's been knocking wood, he's fine, oh little loxy. Yeah.
Speaker 2:He's growing like a weed, though yeah, he's big. I mean, I know it sounds dumb to say out loud, but like the fact that children grow so rapidly never ceases to amaze me. Like every time I see a kid, I'm like, oh my God, yeah, I was here two weeks ago.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:How many more inches have you grown? And they are the true testament. Like the time. What am I saying? Like the measurement of how much time it's been. You know when I see my friends like you look the same, your kid doesn't, and that's how long it's been since I've seen you type of thing. Like especially my friends in college and high school that don't live here.
Speaker 2:I know I don't really see them and then all of a sudden I come back and they have like a kindergartner. I'm like holy shit, has it really been five years?
Speaker 1:Right, it's crazy. That's how I feel. Every time I go home I see my nephew and my niece. I'm like Jesus. Yeah, you guys are huge.
Speaker 2:I know, maybe don't say that to them, but like, yeah, I understand what you're saying but maybe let's reword that verbage. We don't need to encourage that, uncle Sean.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we won't.
Speaker 2:You look so grown. That's the word. Let's try that one.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we'll go with that one yeah.
Speaker 2:Holy shit, you're huge.
Speaker 1:You're huge.
Speaker 2:I mean, don't say that to pregnant ladies or children.
Speaker 1:Well, I mean, my nephew is literally bill. Like me, he's a freaking beanpole. When I was the same way. I was just tall and skinny.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I can't relate to anything you've said in the last 30 seconds. Just as I came out like this yeah, I was like cleaning out stuff in my attic the other day when I was making room and I found a picture, I probably was like four years old. I had blonde bangs. To Jesus.
Speaker 1:Let me tell you, yeah, goggles on my head Are bangs back now. They never came back, really.
Speaker 2:I mean, I don't know, like no, I don't think bangs are, I think it just depends on your style, just like everything else. But I don't know that like Bob's were big for a while. Remember when I had a Bob, I had really short platinum blonde hair.
Speaker 1:Yeah, two years ago.
Speaker 2:But I don't think bangs ever really made the comeback.
Speaker 1:What about perms? Those gonna come back like our moms.
Speaker 2:I would think, no, yeah, I don't know, I wait speaking. Okay. So this picture that I found me when I was a kid I look literally the exact same. Like just, I was jacked, but like yeah, okay, so can't say that anything's changed since I was kid. But the other thing in the pictures next to it, you're bringing up perms. My parents had the same hair.
Speaker 1:They had the same fucking hair.
Speaker 2:They had curly like mullet looking hairdos.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:From behind, you probably couldn't tell who was my dad and who was my mom. Why was that okay? Why was that okay? And it was like not just them. There's pictures with their friends and it's just like everybody had a perm to mullet. It was required at that time.
Speaker 1:And now our arcade is going to look at us like what were we doing with our hair?
Speaker 2:I mean, yes, I already think that about myself from like even within the last five to 10 years.
Speaker 1:I know like it's the. That's a weird thing, cause now I'm going to that point too where I feel older now, now that I have a kid. I've always felt older recently, but I'm like, is this an old person thing that locks will think of?
Speaker 2:when he's Absolutely, and you will try.
Speaker 1:We think we're so cool, I know, but so did my parents from matching perm mullets and our parents thought that too. But we would like be like oh yeah, you guys weren't cool.
Speaker 2:I don't. I talk about this with the guys in the band that I work for. They have children as well and we joke about how, like your parents are just your parents and they do things that you're just like what are you doing? And he's like they say all I want to do is not do that to my kids, but it's inevitable.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:You're going to turn around and your kids are going to be like, oh, my God dad, that's going to happen. Locks is going to think that.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:He's going to be like why are you wearing a Hoochie daddy shorts under more Hoochie daddy shorts in public, on a global podcast of dad?
Speaker 1:Legs are out.
Speaker 2:And you're just going to be like that's out Sky's out baby.
Speaker 1:That's right, let's go. Maybe it'll make a comeback, though, like cause, hoochie, daddy shorts were big in the 80s.
Speaker 2:All the guys were those I'm a big fan of. Hoochie daddy shorts.
Speaker 1:Remember I was trying to bring out cutoffs Okay, but those are back now. What do you mean cutoffs? I mean male crop tops, okay. Remember when I was in the gym saying I wanted to get BC male crop tops. I would like to be Me and Vaughn.
Speaker 2:No, no. I would like to be very, very, very, very clear about this. I support Hoochie daddy shorts, never will. I support male crop tops in an ironic fashion.
Speaker 1:They were big in the 90s, like football. Male crop tops.
Speaker 2:It wasn't cute then and I don't think it's cute now. You can do whatever you want. Remember when you all used to wear like one legging?
Speaker 1:down Every athlete that does that now. Every turn on the TV, every athlete's got one legged leg Sean, you are delusional. Yeah, like that's super cute that you think that's real. Beyonce has one tail swing you are not Beyonce.
Speaker 2:Oh my God, you are not Beyonce.
Speaker 1:No, what I'm saying, though I was wearing that before them.
Speaker 2:Sean you okay, yep.
Speaker 1:And now look at Beyonce, a country artist.
Speaker 2:Dude, I know.
Speaker 1:That song's fire.
Speaker 2:How do you yeah, I was going to say how are you feeling about that?
Speaker 1:Feel great about it.
Speaker 2:So I okay, I don't know why that sounded so creepy, but the Beyonce is a Sony music artist and Columbia his or in print. And back in the day, like two years ago when I worked at Sony, obviously I worked in country music and we worked in national radio promotion, and so it's kind of exciting because now the people that still work there that were my friends, my bosses, my mentors and everything are working that single to country radio. So I'm basically related to Beyonce. No, I'm not jealous, I'm pumped for them. I'd much rather just read the benefits from over here and not have to actually do that job Literally ever again.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, I mean, it's a great catchy little tune.
Speaker 2:I also saw a little snippet of Post Malone doing a collab with Loot Combs.
Speaker 1:Now it's like the trendy thing is for these crossover, come do country. It's a cool thing now.
Speaker 2:And Lainey Wilson just dropped a single. That's country's cool again, and I couldn't agree more. People sometimes get crotchety and they're like this is in country, we're not going to do that, but country is the only genre of music. Yeah, that does that.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:Have you ever heard someone have like a different variation of a pop song and they're like this is it pop music?
Speaker 1:Oh, I know no.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but it only exists in country. There can be different lanes. It doesn't all have to sound exactly the same To be considered country. Beyonce is from Texas. Yeah, has had extensive roots in country music. Just because she hasn't stayed only in that lane Doesn't mean that she can't make country music.
Speaker 1:No, it just shows how talented she is, bruh. She is so talented, she's talented, you know. She's way more talented than Taylor Swift.
Speaker 2:Taylor Swift could never. But I do feel like that. I wouldn't ever do that, because I feel like Taylor Swift is so different than Beyonce.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I don't, I think it's not, you can't, it's not apples to apples, this is like apples to oranges.
Speaker 1:But I bet you Beyonce is standing at home and be like man. I'm so much better than that girl.
Speaker 2:I guarantee you she does not think that. I guarantee she does. She's married to Jay-Z, she has beautiful children. She's a multi-millionaire. She's gorgeous. Obviously very talented, insanely gorgeous, successful businesswoman. I don't think she really has time in her day to sit around and think about whether or not she's better than anybody else. She just knows it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't know. Now we're going to, I'm going to start getting Beyonce stuff on my phone because we talked about Taylor Swift and it's like all I see is Taylor Swift videos now.
Speaker 2:I'm hoping that will die down a little bit now that football season's done. Yeah, let's not talk about Taylor Swift anymore.
Speaker 1:That's good. I'm so sick of it because I now think, I think that people are going to Taylor Swift to be like I'm cool, I'm at Taylor Swift concert, you know, I think it's almost like not as they're enjoying the show, but I feel like it's more theatrical For people because it's the trendy thing to do right now. So go to her show.
Speaker 1:People want to feel like they fit in and if you are a swifty, you fit in and it's like and if you go there, you got to be like obnoxiously dancing and screaming and like recording yourself, which is cool, like people are having fun. But I'm like are they really having that much fun or they just do it for?
Speaker 2:It's the same thing as everything that you see on social media. It's a highlight reel. Yeah, doesn't mean that that's really how they feel, yeah, or literally what their real life is like. I feel like, out of all this hoopla I know you're probably gonna roll your eyes at me, but like the person I feel the worst for is Taylor herself. People are shitting on her like oh my god, I can't believe you're on TV at a football game. A bubble, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Speaker 1:She loves it.
Speaker 2:Okay. Whether she loves it or not is irrelevant, because it's not her fault that they put her on the tee. She's literally just sitting in a box watching her boyfriend play football.
Speaker 1:It's not her fault that they put her on the tee, I know, but I also feel like she also. She obviously knows the camera's on her at all times, so she's like doing things, like knowing that. She's like sure being recorded at all times.
Speaker 2:I think the best thing that came out of this entire situation is the influx of young girls that watch football with their dads with their moms, with their parents.
Speaker 1:That part is super cool, I love that.
Speaker 2:I love that it brought them together and I think that, like that's so pure, you can't be mad at that.
Speaker 1:No, not at all. It's awesome.
Speaker 2:I saw some girl make a TikTok. She was like ripping into I guess there were 54 seconds that Taylor's list face was on the camera during the Super Bowl. And some girl just like a condescending, very snarky video, which I appreciated. Yeah, it was just like I know. A lot of you men think 54 seconds is a very long time. It just started with that whole narrative. Yeah but I think it's true. Like I said, I mean, sure is she dancing around having a good time, okay, but like is she supposed to not?
Speaker 2:It was just sit there with her hands crossed and not be excited. Yeah, no her fault that people are insane.
Speaker 1:Exactly yeah, people are living her life, let her live.
Speaker 2:Why are you guys obsessed? The people are. The problem for me is my friends or acquaintances or the people on the internet who are in their 30s and 40s that post every fucking thing she does. I'm like you guys are the reason she's annoying. Yeah, it's not her, it's you. Let her live Like pump the brakes.
Speaker 1:That's crazy.
Speaker 2:I've never, ever, even. What is the next thing that we've experienced in our lifetime?
Speaker 1:That's as big as this, as obsessive as her Taylor mania.
Speaker 2:Yeah, as Swiftie is not her.
Speaker 1:But I don't know, I can't look. When they show Reaction videos of like her announcing she has an album, I'm like, oh my, what am I watching right now?
Speaker 2:Why are you watching it, though I know it's on my feet, it's on my algorithm. Yeah, speaking.
Speaker 1:Okay and I watch it. I'm like this is crazy, like these girls are like Hysterically crying and screaming because she announced that an album's coming out.
Speaker 2:There's something going on.
Speaker 1:We're done talking about today. We're not doing it again. I'm not doing it again.
Speaker 2:Okay, sorry, we'll retire that, but you brought up something it's like oh, it's on my feet. I have a new theory, yeah, and I would like to test it. So you know how, like there's been a running joke since I don't know social media, youtube, the whole thing is would you rather, you know, bite off your leg or have someone view your search history? Yeah, you know, cuz like in the depths of your archives of your phone, like what are you searching?
Speaker 1:bite off your leg.
Speaker 2:I'm saying like you know what I'm saying. Like, would you rather's are always very extreme. Yeah like, would you rather? Yeah something very little. No, yeah, I now feel like part of a maybe like friendship filtering, dating filtering or something I'd be like. Let me see your for you page Unprompted.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah.
Speaker 2:I want to open your Instagram page and see because that is an algorithm of things that you see over and over again. I want us that's like dirty details right out in front. I'd be like really quickly. Hey, give me like, let me see your for you Page Sean.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's right here. Let me see Okay got Dana White Theo Vaughn like a Brittany Mahomes.
Speaker 2:Mmm.
Speaker 1:Not bad a lot of kid stuff, fitness stuff.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I did this with. Obviously I work with all men, so I tested this. It's and and I don't mean the band, I'm talking about the crew.
Speaker 1:There's a lot of girls in here too.
Speaker 2:Yeah, mine is home decor books. Yeah, and Like recipes got. I'm like what am I?
Speaker 1:Sydney Sweeney's everywhere, everywhere. She's on my free you page. She's everywhere.
Speaker 2:Yes, it's me, so he's great. I actually speaking of Sydney Sweeney, do you watch euphoria?
Speaker 1:No, I don't never seen it.
Speaker 2:It's really dark but it's really good and it was supposed to come out this spring. And then I just read something that they pushed it back to next year. I thought you were gonna have more of reaction because you were gonna watch it like I'm pretty upset about this. No, that's that's are you looking at ass and tits right now while I'm trying to talk to you on this podcast?
Speaker 1:No, I'm just looking at what else on my free page.
Speaker 2:You've never looked at your for you page no. I always look at my free page now You're just seeing what it would be like to look at it through someone else's eyes, babies now you know, I would.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so long story short. I would rather have somebody look at my free page and get my leg eaten off see, but some people wouldn't. Depends on what you're looking at on the internet.
Speaker 2:I just feel like it's a very yeah, cuz I your test. Yeah like oh, I'm not gonna give you a few seconds to change your algorithm by liking a bunch of videos and then it will repopulate. No, no, no honey.
Speaker 1:Yeah, let me see that on the table.
Speaker 2:Let me see what's your for you page.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I've always wanted to do like a little segment where you have a guest on and then you Ask about their search history. Yeah, let me see your Google search.
Speaker 2:My Google search is like most probably really weird. That's what I'm saying. Mine's embarrassing, but not because it's dirty or just like anything out of pocket, like that. It's just like yeah what's five plus five? Yeah like that. I'm like. I don't Like. My reason is Elvis Presley TCB.
Speaker 1:Because I was at the gym and one of my trainers said she's going to Graceland this weekend and I was like, oh yeah, you got to check out like the jets and I'm like they're super cool. Everything's got it says a TCB logo, which means taking care of business.
Speaker 2:Okay, I was like I was in his boys like little slogan gang isn't there song.
Speaker 1:Memphis gang. That's not his yeah.
Speaker 2:Well, I know that's not Elvis. Yeah for clarifying.
Speaker 1:We should just do in a whole episode on would you rather? Okay, would you rather? Hmm, if you can get a million dollars right now, okay you get an option.
Speaker 2:That's not how would you rather work.
Speaker 1:Yes, it is. Would you rather take a million dollars right now, okay, or take a free throw and if you make it, you get a hundred million dollars. I would take the million dollars.
Speaker 2:I can't make a free throw for my life. Damn, I'm not. I mean.
Speaker 1:I'm like a million though but not athletic.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean, I guess, sure, yeah, take the free throw. What's the difference like?
Speaker 1:with. The difference is you lose a million dollars if you miss.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but I don't have a million dollars now and I'm doing just fine. Okay, but if you had, If it was, like a million dollars in cash on the table million dollars in cash is sitting right there.
Speaker 1:Yeah, a hundred million is on that table.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I know, but like I If it was a million. But you play basketball like this is not the same.
Speaker 1:I also got a freaking steel rottage.
Speaker 2:Listen, if it was like a million dollars cash or you have to hold a handstand for 30 seconds for a hundred million?
Speaker 1:I would do it but I would yeah.
Speaker 2:I'm saying I could hold a handstand for 30 seconds before I could shoot a free throw successfully.
Speaker 1:All right, give me a, would you rather oh?
Speaker 2:God, would you rather. Well, what is it have? To be athletic.
Speaker 1:No, whatever you want.
Speaker 2:Would you rather never be able to see again, or never be able to hear again?
Speaker 1:Oh, here, Okay, yeah.
Speaker 2:I don't know, I don't know. I don't think it's as easy as you think. The more see some of these also, would you rather, you rather?
Speaker 1:walk. Let me see you get from this spot to the door right now. Their eyes close.
Speaker 2:Well, it'd be a learned behavior. I could obviously do that if I just take my time. Okay, I think. I think both of them suck. Imagine ever being able to experience like the sound of waves or like when the birds chirp, like those peaceful things that I feel, like your eyes, like losing any sense, would suck. Yeah, I don't want to do that at all, but I just feel like, the more you think about it. Maybe it's not as easy of a question as it seems like right off the top.
Speaker 2:Okay but if you couldn't see anything, imagine then you would. I Mean, I'm speaking for myself, but just like the amount of time and struggle, you have to make sure that you quote-unquote look good, if I can't see it, I can focus on other things. Fuck, do I care what I look like if I can't see it? You know what I mean. I can't see what you look like. Yeah then a lot of pretty people in this town would have a rough time. Yeah, cuz they're actually trash bag human beings.
Speaker 2:Yeah but they're hot as fuck, so they can't see but if I can't see you, I don't care.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you could feel. Hey, nope not trying to go to jail and be blind.
Speaker 2:Thank you so much.
Speaker 1:Would you rather Forfeit your memory from now and everything you've ever seen in your life? Okay, to remember everything in the future, or Remember everything and not have your memories in the future? Hey, what kind of that's?
Speaker 2:this independence day, okay, um.
Speaker 1:You remember everything From here, until you're born.
Speaker 2:But I don't remember everything from what I'm saying like you just you have your memory okay.
Speaker 1:This life that you've lived so far, or you start now with absolutely no memory of anything in your life going forward.
Speaker 2:Can I ask a difficult question? Yeah, okay, so I don't have any memories of what I've done in the past, correct?
Speaker 1:however, but I start today.
Speaker 2:But do I have? Okay, but like, your memories and your experiences shape who you are today but you don't know, I have that knowledge anymore.
Speaker 1:No, I'm just don't remember anything. The first thing you remember right now is sitting across the chair for me.
Speaker 2:What a life to be born into You're welcome. I would Probably choose Never remembering anything and going forward. Yeah, I probably would, because I feel like my best days are ahead of me, mm-hmm, and like, yes, I've had a lot of fun and I've met a lot of great people.
Speaker 1:I can remember any of them. I would rather every person you meet. You're not gonna over there. I.
Speaker 2:Mean, yeah, exactly, so it's clean slate. That'd be cool. Yeah, I mean to be weird. Let me weird People show up at my house because I invite your mom, your dad, not nobody.
Speaker 1:You don't know Kels dog, nobody okay.
Speaker 2:Why can't you speak correctly? Every time you say the word Massachusetts, my fucking cholesterol levels skyrocket. Kells dog, there's no Z, it's Kels dog, kels dog. It's mass Massachusetts, Massachusetts. There's no Z's.
Speaker 1:You don't remember any of that.
Speaker 2:Well, you just reminded me when I was born into this it do. The first word you're gonna say is Kels dog to me.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like what the hell is that?
Speaker 2:I'm sweating. It's Massachusetts, Massachusetts. There's no Z's.
Speaker 1:Massachusetts. Yeah, yeah, all right, we'll just blame your tooth Even though that's not the case. Yeah, I got my tooth, I'm. I'm in the final stages of this freaking dang.
Speaker 2:Um.
Speaker 1:Freakin dang to yeah, no, it's. I got one of those. Things were pops in and out, now again.
Speaker 2:Okay, first of all, the amount of saliva that just came out of your mouth.
Speaker 1:Hey, you want to hold it for me?
Speaker 2:No, I don't want to do that. Oh my god.
Speaker 1:That's the tooth. Yeah, you got a pile of that again, and now I gotta be like this for a few more months that tooth out and said frickin dang. Freakin dang you would.
Speaker 2:Oh, I'm sweating. Yeah that's kind of alarming.
Speaker 1:It's. I have to do that every time I eat and once I get home it's like my comfortable.
Speaker 2:I like take my tooth out when I get oh something tells me you're not going to be making any more locks as anytime soon. With that, look yeah.
Speaker 1:I got the same front tooth as him right now.
Speaker 2:Speaking. He has front tooth.
Speaker 1:I don't have front tooth, same guy does. Oh, okay, yeah, I got it. See what I did there. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Sorry, that went way over my head. That was a pretty good joke. I wasted that.
Speaker 1:Sorry about that.
Speaker 2:Speaking of babies, how was your Valentine's Day? Were you sick or did you do something fun?
Speaker 1:Um.
Speaker 2:Or are you like? Eh, I don't believe in that holiday. What's a home airing holiday?
Speaker 1:No, no, no. First of all, I'm not a big Valentine's Day guy.
Speaker 2:I don't hate it why?
Speaker 1:I don't hate it.
Speaker 2:Okay, it's just like there yeah it is what it is.
Speaker 1:We were going to go to dinner and then we both got really tired and then we said we'll do dinner. I was like, let's do dinner on like Saturday night. Is this train?
Speaker 2:going to come through the studio? What?
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I don't think we can hear that. I've never heard that.
Speaker 1:Nice, we got a train going right now.
Speaker 2:Well, that was like aiding the studio, anyway, sorry, so you were going to go to dinner on Saturday, yeah.
Speaker 1:And then, um, we ended up not doing that. She went and went to my sister's instead.
Speaker 2:They had like a girl's night thing. Oh, Gallantines.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't think it was a Gallantines they just like get together oh it was on and then, um so no, then we're supposed to do it on Sunday, maybe one of those days. Yeah, so we didn't do much. Actually, so we didn't do anything, Perfect.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Parent life. That's what it is right now. Yeah, it's literally, it's like yeah.
Speaker 2:Divide and conquer.
Speaker 1:Divide and conquer and she's doing a lot more conquering because I'm doing a way more working.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:Like today, woke up. What time did I wake up? 158? 153. My schedule today, which is crazy to the gym at five o'clock, uh, three classes in the morning, and then I went home, actually took a nap with locks.
Speaker 2:That's cute.
Speaker 1:And then I taught the noon class, and now I'm here, and then I'm going back to the gym to teach the night classes.
Speaker 2:All three.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'll do all three at night. Oof, oof, yeah.
Speaker 2:Not me. I'm going to catch up on all my adulting responsibilities. I'd rather coach three classes, yeah, but I also didn't get up at two o'clock in the morning. I think I was going to sleep at that point, so yeah, how'd your. Valentine's Day go. I did absolutely nothing. I kind of forgot it was Valentine's Day until someone reminded me if I'm being honest.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I feel like it's just uh, I listen.
Speaker 2:I appreciate the gesture of which, like Valentine's Day is. In general, I think it irks me when people are like oh well, if you love here significant, I'll learn every name can be Valentine's.
Speaker 1:Day and.
Speaker 2:I'm like okay, however. I hear you, but like you were just explaining parents, people with busy schedules, people- who travel for work, people who have responsibilities. It's nice to kind of almost feel I don't want to say obligated, but like a reminder to take a second, get the flowers, do something nice and just.
Speaker 2:yeah, sometimes we need to be held a little accountable. And so what if it's a quote unquote fake holiday, as opposed to what the holidays that grown organically in the wild? Isn't every holiday made up, If you really get down to it? So I appreciate it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Christmas is even made up too.
Speaker 2:Well, you know what I mean.
Speaker 1:All the hoopla with it.
Speaker 2:It's like, okay, yeah, it derived from an idea and then we've made it into what it is now. Right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, actually, you know, I was just thinking about Dray's mom was in town, so she was at the house for Valentine's Day which was nice. She was there like all week, which we're like. Man, why don't we get some parents to move to Nashville, Cause that was nice?
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:I was having a parent close by and I understand why now people move closer to home when they have kids, Cause it's just me and Dray and my sister, but it's not like you know, she's a busy lady, but grandparents are the best. They freaking love it.
Speaker 2:She's a busy lady. Is that what you just referred to your sister?
Speaker 1:Yeah, Like she's not going to be able to come over to the house all day. You know grandparents will just like spend a whole week there. And they love it, they love it, they love grandkids and they just get to give them back.
Speaker 2:Do you feel like, since you I don't know if I've asked you this or not, but since you've had a kid do you feel like you have a different relationship with your dad now?
Speaker 1:Well, he's actually coming to Nashville tonight. Oh, here's here. A couple of weeks ago, yeah, um, yeah, I think it's just, it's such a cool thing. It's really cool being with locks and with him in the same room. Yeah, like that's special, like that's crazy.
Speaker 2:Has your perspective Harry? Has your perspective of him, your childhood or anything changed since now? You have locks.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm sure a little bit. I feel like I'm like man. It must be crazy for him right now because his son has a son. Yeah, like you know I'm used to being, I guess when I'm around him you immediately go into kid mode, right Like you go into your mindset of you're a kid, this is your dad and now I'm with them and I'm a dad with my dad, which is wild and it's super. That is how it works, baby. Yeah, so that's cool, like that's very special, it works and I'm like this is super cool. It was also cool because I right now am the only boy, or locks is now carrying on the booth name where we have a ton of girls, so locks is the first boy. You know, my sister got married. She's now Apollo, so she doesn't have the booth name, and then all my cousins all have girls, so I got a boy.
Speaker 2:Isn't that kind of weird to think about?
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that stresses, me.
Speaker 1:I got into after and I like it was probably a week or so after I had locks like oh shit, yeah, the booth name carries on through him, I guess no pressure to my brother, but he's the only one left because my dad is the only son.
Speaker 2:He has four sisters, and then my father had one son, which is my brother. So no pressure there.
Speaker 1:Yeah, just go ahead and either carry on the name or it dies. So yeah, exactly Cause I got a cousin who has two little girls and then I got a one other boy cousin, so it's three of us guys and a shit ton of girls.
Speaker 2:I have really never contemplated this until right now.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Pretty wild right.
Speaker 2:That is really strange to think about. I also just don't think about family names very often.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I do feel like Now there's a carry on, though, and it's, I guess, this line, but there's a way more booths out there in the world, you know, than Shays.
Speaker 2:I got a lot.
Speaker 1:There's a lot of Shays and a lot of Petrovsky's.
Speaker 2:But I mean, my grandfather was one of 18 children. So if your last name is Petrovsky and you live in like Northwest or East something, Indiana.
Speaker 1:Your mom's last name is Shay, my mom's last name yeah, and your dad's is yeah.
Speaker 2:Pekatsky, that's yeah, we'll go with that. My dad's 100% Polish, my mom's 100% Irish. That's very few and far between the.
Speaker 1:East. My mom is 100% Polish and my dad is 50% Irish and Scottish, and how do you get so tan then yeah. What the hell? Yeah, I'll get the same shit as you. No, apparently not Scottish you're not Scottish, I'm not Scottish, but Scottish. Scottish is Scott Scott's. Scott's aren't known for their tans.
Speaker 2:I'm going to Scotland in two weeks.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'll test out that theory.
Speaker 2:Have you been?
Speaker 1:No, but my dad recently went. I'm in Ireland. Same, that's gotta be pretty damn similar.
Speaker 2:I'd imagine the weather is, eh, but yeah, I'm probably going to be gray the whole time, but I will 100% be having a drink in an Irish pub. Yeah, gotta get all, it's Mikey. Oh yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I don't think he lives there. He lives in New York, but yeah.
Speaker 1:He was just there recently.
Speaker 2:I gotta get ready for the next holiday, st Patty's Day, the holiday of my people.
Speaker 1:Are you a big saint? You're obviously a big St Patty's Day girl.
Speaker 2:I just love the idea of holidays surrounded by just drinking. Yeah.
Speaker 1:For no reason. St Patty's Day was awesome back in the day.
Speaker 2:I just think St Patty's Day also symbolizes which I think you can empathize with here, because you lived in cold states before this as well. Like St Patty's Day was always the start of warmer weather. Yeah, like I don't know what it was, but I went to college in Michigan and St Patty's Day weekend somehow it's also margin madness too, oh yeah, that too, yeah, basketball, but I just feel like it was always sunny, like it was the first time you'd seen the sun?
Speaker 2:Yeah, like it was melting. What better occasion to drink 50 beers than the sun being out?
Speaker 1:Yeah, Like I've never I don't remember any St Patty's Day being rainy.
Speaker 2:Right, that's always sunny, that's always Memorial Day.
Speaker 1:Yeah yeah, st Patty's Day is always huge.
Speaker 2:And I'm going to Chicago this year, so I'm going to see the Green River, nice.
Speaker 1:My uncle. Fun fact, he was born in St Patrick's Day. His name is Patrick.
Speaker 2:Are you messing with me?
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:My cousin's name is Patrick Finley. They didn't have a name for him.
Speaker 1:And then he was born on St Patrick's Day, my granny.
Speaker 2:That's my name, patrick I mean, yeah, what else are you supposed to do? That's like all the signs from the universe. You can't ignore that.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Is he even Irish?
Speaker 1:Yeah, oh nice, even better.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:Pretty wild.
Speaker 2:No, I mean, I'm just, I'm just picturing your granny, like I guess I'll just name it Patrick.
Speaker 1:I just didn't have anything ready for this moment, but he looks like a Patrick. Her name. Her name's Edith.
Speaker 2:I have seen and heard a resurgence of quote unquote older names, old names.
Speaker 1:That's an old name right there.
Speaker 2:Bring that one back. I love Edith.
Speaker 1:Edith, and then my other grandma is Dorothy.
Speaker 2:Wow.
Speaker 1:Those are two grandma names.
Speaker 2:Basically came from the Golden Girls.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I love that. And then my papa's name was Norman, so Norman and Edith, norm, yeah. And then Dorothy and Joseph.
Speaker 2:Isn't it weird how names just kind of also go through an evolution?
Speaker 1:I feel like back then they only had like 10 names to pick from.
Speaker 2:But why do you mean? There's only 10 names to pick from? Isn't a name? Just something you made up anyway?
Speaker 1:Right, but I feel like how many more locks do you think there are? Zero, exactly. So I'm like you could make up Zero locks is in the world.
Speaker 2:Whatever you want. Yeah, I don't know.
Speaker 1:I heard some little teenager talking about oh, she had like an old lady, name like Jessica, and I was like oh Jesus, yeah, and this weekend, when I was at work, I was like, oh God, jessica's an old name.
Speaker 2:now I know, like you know for me, estelle Edith Gloria like those names sound older, but then again, when did those die off?
Speaker 1:Yeah, they did. When did it transition to?
Speaker 2:Jennifer, jessica Rebecca.
Speaker 1:They died off when our parents started having kids. I know, and then it went to the Samantha's, the Jessica's the Lauren's Do you know a lot of Samantha's?
Speaker 2:I don't know a lot of Samantha's.
Speaker 1:Yeah, probably because I own a gym.
Speaker 2:So there's millions of girls that go through there. That's fair. It is weird, I feel like I, if I ever have children, I would love to go back to more classic names.
Speaker 1:I love the name, margo Margo.
Speaker 2:Margo Shea. That's a great name. Margo Margo Shea, that's like a movie actress, theater.
Speaker 1:Margo's cute Like Margo Robbie.
Speaker 2:Okay, or that.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:So I guess that name hasn't really died out, but I feel like it's an older name?
Speaker 1:No, yeah, probably yeah, mom, but where would somebody?
Speaker 2:do it Okay. Thanks for the encouragement. I appreciate that. Yeah, I'm glad you just shit on it real quick.
Speaker 1:Yeah, what do you? Got planned the rest of the week.
Speaker 2:Oh, I do have to say not to brag, but I get to be home for a full 10 days, wow, which is the first time since August that I have been home for 10 days in a row. So I have a whole lot of nothing planned and also a whole lot of fun. I'm going to be able to go grocery shopping fully. I'm going to get myself some flowers.
Speaker 1:What's your grocery store? Publix.
Speaker 2:Trader Joe's.
Speaker 1:You're so just basic.
Speaker 2:Oh, you mean, I just like to save money.
Speaker 1:How much money are you saving at Trader Joe's?
Speaker 2:Have you compared the egg prices at Trader Joe's compared to Publix?
Speaker 1:What are you buying for a dozen 399, 499? No, not at.
Speaker 2:Trader Joe's they're 299. At Publix it's like 699 for the same eggs.
Speaker 1:Yeah, publix is expensive.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Eggs, it depends.
Speaker 2:The ones that I like. How about that?
Speaker 1:Eggs and egg. You gotta get the brown eggs though.
Speaker 2:Oh, but I thought an egg's an egg.
Speaker 1:Are you going to literally?
Speaker 2:contradict yourself one sentence to another.
Speaker 2:I just love Trader Joe's. I also typically the reason that I love Trader Joe's is because they do a lot of like single serve things, and I don't know if you know this, but I love it by myself, so I take care of myself. So instead of buying something in surplus and having it go to waste, they have a lot of things that are frozen that I can keep in the freezer and then they last longer. So then when I'm gone for a month at a time, I still have food when I come home.
Speaker 1:So, yeah, buy for yourself is tough. Yes, you got a roommate, though Do you guys cook dinner together? No, we live two separate lives.
Speaker 2:Yeah, she travels for work. I travel for work. She has her own thing, I have my own thing, the only thing we really share is the fact that she lives. I don't drink milk. I don't know why I would share milk with her, but yeah, I don't, I don't know. I don't have an repulsion to any grocery store like you just did to Trader Joe's.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but so when you buy single, when you say they got single servings, like what? The box of spaghetti that you'd find that publics is like half the size. What type of single servings are we talking about at Trader Joe's?
Speaker 2:I'm talking about more actually like nutrient dense, good for you, food that comes in a smaller serving and can be prepared quickly and can also be held in a freezer so it lasts longer for me, gotcha. So if I don't get to it, it will live in the freezer and then when I fly home next Sunday and I'm starving when I land, and instead of having to go to the grocery store, you just pull something out of my freezer and everybody wins. Oh right, because a hangry Sammy is not good for anybody.
Speaker 1:Do you run into a lot of people you know at Trader Joe's?
Speaker 2:I feel like it's like a no.
Speaker 1:No, I feel like everybody says they go to Trader Joe's around here.
Speaker 2:That doesn't mean we go out at the same time.
Speaker 1:And there's also two of them, and I feel like there's also lines out of the ass.
Speaker 2:I think you're just hallucinating. When was the last time you went there?
Speaker 1:Man, I probably went there once a few years ago.
Speaker 2:How do you have this much of a repulsion to it if you went there once a few years?
Speaker 1:ago. I like Publix. It's right down the road for me. It's a nice store. I like the flow of it. Food's great.
Speaker 2:You are an old man, an old get off my lawn man. Right now I can.
Speaker 1:I want to do that show. Remember the grocery store show.
Speaker 2:Supermarket Sweep.
Speaker 1:Shop till you, drop oh.
Speaker 2:Oh, no, supermarket. What was shop till you drop? I don't know, that's something.
Speaker 1:You had the fake mall right and you're running around two floors. That was cool.
Speaker 2:Supermarket Sweep. I feel like the spin off of that currently, or like more modern day, or all the cooking shows like the British Bake Off and all that stuff. It's like, yeah, they're not grocery shopping, but they have X amount of ingredients and they have to make something from it from there.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Supermarket Sweep. I would be awesome at that, like if I went to my Publix and I would wear the khakis that they wear, with the polo shirts tucked in with the big name tags, I could get through my grocery store and probably, man, I could probably get to the cast register with my full cart in two minutes and 45 seconds.
Speaker 2:I like to take my time. I don't want to play this game.
Speaker 1:Yeah, andrew's looking at me like I'm crazy.
Speaker 2:I put my headphones in.
Speaker 1:I'm at an empty grocery store by myself. Two minutes and 45 seconds. If I had the grocery store by myself, what do you think?
Speaker 2:They can't hear him. He doesn't have a mic. He said that that's the most preposterous thing he's ever heard in his life.
Speaker 1:Two minutes and 45 seconds. I mean, I guess if you're not getting like recipes, you're just like sprinting through the store and like milk, eggs and chicken.
Speaker 2:No, I'm saying.
Speaker 1:I'm going to get a full cart. I'm going to get all the shit that I need.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but what are you going to do with that? Like, yeah, I could fill a cart in two minutes and 45 seconds.
Speaker 1:I could fill a cart in two minutes too, but that doesn't mean that I have. There's only one way to find out.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:We're going to take this podcast to Publix.
Speaker 2:Imagine.
Speaker 1:Two minutes and 45 seconds. I can go through that door.
Speaker 2:But how long will that food last, you Like? Is that a week's worth of food?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean, yeah, I'm going straight in and going, yeah, right to the right side where I'm getting my oatmeal right away, and then I'm just flipping that cart around, I'm going around the side, there again the fruits, vegetables, bananas, some immunity shots going down, like I'm not going in and out of every lane either, Are you?
Speaker 2:Yes, okay, were you not listening 30 seconds ago? And I said I put my headphones in and I take my time. I go with an idea of a list with like a couple recipes that I want to make, and then I fill it in from there.
Speaker 1:Okay, yeah, two minutes 45 seconds, I could do it.
Speaker 2:Something just tells me that you're also boring, though, and you just like come home and eat like bear ass, chicken breast, and like an Elani drink and some chomps.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I have an energy drink with my chicken, yeah.
Speaker 2:Like that's, you seem like that type of person, like I'm not sure that you're really like experiencing food the way I'm experiencing food.
Speaker 1:I definitely eat more, for what's the word I'm looking for?
Speaker 2:Fuel.
Speaker 1:Yes, perfect For fuel.
Speaker 2:Yeah. So like you've never heard of garlic salt on your chicken, it's probably just plain.
Speaker 1:No, no, no, that's false. I put some nice Mrs Dash spices on the chicken.
Speaker 2:Are you a good cook?
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:Okay, at least you're honest about that, no.
Speaker 1:I'm working on it. I'm not a good cook and I, like Dre, will make fun of me for the way I make my eggs and stuff. Because I'm just like do you eat eggs or eggs? I'll just throw them on the pan, scramble them up and then put some toast down, get some peanut butter.
Speaker 2:Scrambled eggs is by far the least sexy way to eat eggs.
Speaker 1:Just saying you trying to be sexy in your eggs.
Speaker 2:Yes, I romanticize everything in my life. Sunny side up, yes, over medium, hell yeah.
Speaker 1:Give me that sunny side up.
Speaker 2:Okay, first of all, calm down. I'm just saying that, like, why not romanticize things as simple as breakfast? It makes life a lot more fun.
Speaker 1:You're romanticizing your eggs, everything, what else?
Speaker 2:Everything I like candles. I play music.
Speaker 1:We got to get you a man's.
Speaker 2:Why.
Speaker 1:You're romanticizing your eggs.
Speaker 2:No, I'm romanticizing feeding myself and an experience that, instead of blowing through a meal and not really taking it all in, I try and take a deep breath and absorb what's going on.
Speaker 1:You sit down and you like get your silverware you mean set the table like an adult. Yes, I do that. You push your bib in.
Speaker 2:I mean, I don't wear a bib. But yeah, Put music on, light a fire, have candles.
Speaker 1:What are you listening to Boys, to men.
Speaker 2:No, I listen to whatever I feel like.
Speaker 1:Like what.
Speaker 2:Anything, I have Spotify on my TV. This is 2024.
Speaker 1:So tonight, what's the go to? What are you making for dinner? What are you going to listen to?
Speaker 2:I'm making a chicken orzo lemon bake thing that I saw online. That seems pretty simple.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:And it's going to be delicious.
Speaker 1:You going to drink a glass of wine while you make the food? Probably yeah.
Speaker 2:What type of wine, joshua, you know noir.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:No, I like red wine only.
Speaker 1:Okay, and so you have your glass of wine. You put on your Spotify. What's the playlist?
Speaker 2:Well, that's actually an impossible question to answer, because it depends on the mood of what you're in when you start cooking.
Speaker 1:I'm going to say you're a little tired.
Speaker 2:Probably Fleetwood Mac.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the best of Stevie Nicks. That's the best, that's my favorite.
Speaker 2:I love Stevie Nicks. I think she's cool as fuck.
Speaker 1:And I love she's coming to town.
Speaker 2:I know I'm not going to be here. I don't want to talk about it. I already looked it up.
Speaker 1:We're even thinking about taking me, if you were here. No but I mean I would have if you wanted to come, but no, you were not on the top of my list. Really On the biggest Stevie Nicks guy there is.
Speaker 2:I do have to say you reignited my love for Fleetwood Mac. Thank you because. I'm playing it at the gym, since you played. Well, what's that song? You played Dreams. No, I know that I'm talking about after warm-up. Before you have to get your station, you play the same freaking song every time, and then every time we cool down, you play dreams. And so I feel like you definitely encouraged my love for Fleetwood Mac to just be reignited for sure.
Speaker 2:Not that I forgot about them, but I feel like I kind of wasn't really listening to them until you just shoved it down my throat. Now I'm.
Speaker 1:I hated that song. When Vyron ticked off, I liked it for them, but I didn't like it.
Speaker 2:I would like you to name three things you don't hate. You hate Trader Joe's, you hate this. You hate that. You hate that it went viral.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I do, because everybody's like, oh wow, that's a good song, and then we start playing it. I'm like, where have you been? Well, I'm like that's the greatest song ever created, between the way that sounds, the story of it, the lyrics, I mean it's just a feel-good song. It's a feel-good song, but it's also Stevie Nicks is singing about her ex-man who is on the guitar.
Speaker 2:Lindsay Buckingham.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and so when she's singing.
Speaker 2:Have you seen the viral TikTok video of her singing Silver Springs?
Speaker 1:No, I haven't. I need to.
Speaker 2:But he's like You're a fan.
Speaker 1:He's playing it and it's almost like the guitar is like crying in the background and they're going back and forth and she has to play that on stage and he's like, oh shit.
Speaker 2:So you can romanticize a.
Speaker 1:I can romanticize a Maxon and not other parts of your life. You can't shit on me if you're in the same thing. I didn't say don't romanticize anything. I'm just saying I don't romanticize my scrambled eggs.
Speaker 2:Now you're just changing my words. I said I was like romanticizing an experience like breakfast. Yeah, throwing eggs in a pan and just eating the lily beans toast. That sounds horrible, a horrible way to start your day.
Speaker 1:Yeah, all right. So Fleetwood Mac, that's good. Okay, I have dreams. The actual song, the lyrics like in a portrait, the song sheet.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:You're going to roll your eyes at me and say I'm basic for going to Trader Joe's and you have lyrics framed.
Speaker 1:This is that's basic. This was years ago.
Speaker 2:Oh, booth, you're exhausting. Yes, that's basic. I'm not hating on it, but it's basic. Yeah, any sort of live laugh, love-ish quote that's not live laugh love. Word art is basic.
Speaker 1:It's not word art, it's note art. Okay, it's notes. It's like a music sheet. It's the musical notes. It's a music sheet, okay that's not what you said.
Speaker 2:That's way different.
Speaker 1:It's a music sheet.
Speaker 2:That's way cooler.
Speaker 1:It says dreams Fleetwood Mac.
Speaker 2:I can tell we haven't seen each other in a while.
Speaker 1:Yeah. Okay, listen to it Next time you listen to that song. Listen to the actual lyrics.
Speaker 2:Read the lyrics Are you going to go see her at Bridgestone?
Speaker 1:I feel like I have to.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm going to be so.
Speaker 1:When is she coming?
Speaker 2:In May and I'm going to be at the ACMs.
Speaker 1:Yeah, how many awards are there?
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh it's right near your birthday. That should be your birthday present to yourself. Speaking of romanticizing things, buy yourself a gift.
Speaker 1:I'm actually supposed to. This is hilarious Walking out the game ball for the National Soccer Club. The game ball matched to the field. They asked me to do that.
Speaker 2:When.
Speaker 1:May 18th my birthday is one of the dates they proposed. I was like that'd be cool.
Speaker 2:Okay, I'm going to come.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I will call what's his face.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Walker.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I invited him to the Old Dominion show and he was going to come with his wife, Sally, but then they ended up having like kid babysitter things. Yeah, I still haven't cashed in my tickets that he promised me.
Speaker 1:There you go.
Speaker 2:And he hasn't cashed in his that I promised him. So, we're still working on that transition, so what I'm saying is I'm inviting myself to your birthday party.
Speaker 1:Thank you so much. Yeah, so Saturday.
Speaker 2:That'll be great.
Speaker 1:I think that's the one I'm going to choose. I think it'd be cool.
Speaker 2:I wouldn't see why you wouldn't do that.
Speaker 1:They gave me like four days to choose. I'm going to say May 18th. I'm like, yeah, I'll probably do that one, that's perfect. The reason why I don't want to do it? Because there's other dates that are a few months away and that gives the opportunity for locks to be a little bit bigger, because I want to have him with me but it's not like he's going to.
Speaker 2:He's not going to remember.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I hate to break it to you. You're going to remember it, so it doesn't really matter how big he is. Maybe you can push it out to where he walks.
Speaker 2:That will probably not be this season, or maybe I don't know how babies work, really, but yeah, here's the thing. He's not going to remember it. This is a moment for you. There's going to be pictures that he's going to find when he's cleaning out his attic, when he's 33 and he's on a podcast.
Speaker 2:He's going to be like. Oh, I found this really funny picture of me and my dad, and he was looking like a jabroni in some Hoochie Daddy shorts. What was up with 2024 and why was he wearing that? Why were my mom and dad wearing the same size shorts, that's going to be him.
Speaker 1:That's going to be him. We'll find out. Yeah, until then, thank you guys for tuning in.
Speaker 2:What a chaotic mess this was.
Speaker 1:The only way we like it. We are back, you are back, she is back.
Speaker 2:I'd be willing to bet that no other podcast I came out today had someone take their tooth out. I'm going to be the first place for leading the league in that.
Speaker 1:Can we get put on the top of the charts for that? One Team on three?
Speaker 2:Team I'm.