In The Booth with Shawn Booth
You may know Shawn Booth from The Bachelorette, you may know him as a fitness guy who owns a gym in Nashville, or you may just know his dog, Walter.
Tune in as Shawn sits down with people from all walks of life: artists, athletes, entrepreneurs, military personnel, badass moms, fitness professionals, and everything in between. You'll hear motivational stories, healthy habits that lead to success, relationship tips, and more.
However you know him, you'll get to know the real Shawn and his guests right here on In The Booth.
In The Booth with Shawn Booth
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Shawn and SamCat dive into the latest current topics and trends, discussing the good, the bad, and the ugly. SamCat opens up about her beef with Gen Z'ers while Shawn delves into the viral and global phenomenon surrounding "Tessa Ressa"!
I'm not supposed to be joining this.
Speaker 2:Okay, here we go welcome back to in the booth. I'm Sean booth and thank you guys for tuning in wherever you're listening from. Maybe you're in bozeman, montana, which Sam Kat just said she's traveling there later this year, not sure why. Maybe you're from Kyle, texas, which Sam Kat grew up close to, and maybe you're in Laduke, alberta, which is in Canada. Sam Kat, you didn't know that.
Speaker 1:I? I mean, yes, I know where Albert is, I've also been there all right, there you have it, we are back.
Speaker 2:We are live here in Nashville, tennessee, and she is wearing crocodile boots, black jeans, black shirt looks like a backstage crew outfit a hat that says oddies, what's oddies?
Speaker 1:that's not what it says at all.
Speaker 2:I literally just told you oh yes, thank you okay, establishing 2014 2024. Did you know, are you?
Speaker 1:okay, do we need to check your eyesight right now?
Speaker 2:my eyes actually messed up. Can you see that? Yes, I can yeah, I think that's what they call a little conjunct virus stay away from me. I've had antibiotic drops for the past couple days so I think I'm in the clear or it could be a sty. Either way, it's been killing me. Today's the first day it's better and I have been changing a lot of.
Speaker 1:I was gonna say. That's exactly what I was gonna say. You let you change a diaper and then wipe your face without washing man.
Speaker 2:I don't know. I had a rough one the other day, but anyways, we got a body cat in the building.
Speaker 1:Okay, I'm not gonna celebrate that, because it's that's not even what my house is yeah, so I got conjunct of eyes or a sty.
Speaker 2:Are you a doctor? What do you think?
Speaker 1:it looks more like a style, yeah, like the upper eyelid is big yes, it's not like your eye is a regular color and you have no gunk. Okay, yeah, I've had zero gunk it doesn't look like pink eye, but it does.
Speaker 2:It looks like a sty how do you get a sty?
Speaker 1:just like bacteria along your waterline. A lot of women get it when they don't like wash their eyelashes, their makeup correctly really but I mean I'm sure there's other reasons. Again, as you pointed out, I am not a doctor well, you sound like one well, I just have had a sty before, so I educated myself on what was happening and took care of it well, a yearly, quarterly, how often, I know no no, what I've had, maybe like two in my whole life- that's gonna be rough. Some people are like prone to them okay so yeah this could be a new development.
Speaker 1:You know, you can like develop allergies later in life. Maybe you're just one of the lucky ones that gets your teeth to fall out and your eyes just well.
Speaker 2:I know I was looking at myself in the mirror last night and I had no tooth and my eye was swollen. I'm like I'm a fucking mess right now I'm a mess and Ray's like at least we've got a really beautiful baby. I was like, yeah, good thing, cuz I am shit. I don't know what I am, but here we are off patch man.
Speaker 1:It's okay. Yeah, I know you will we'll get through it.
Speaker 2:We're gonna start today's episode off with the good, the bad, the ugly, the good, the bad, the ugly and we're gonna kick it off to you, sam cat. We want to hear one thing in the news or trending that's good, one thing that's bad and one thing that's just flat out ugly, like my eye oh well, I did ugly, not necessarily visually no, that's fine, yeah, yeah, yeah should we tell everybody how much time you gave me to come up with my ideas?
Speaker 1:nope, don't do that as you guys can imagine.
Speaker 3:It was days yeah, plenty, plenty of time for 40 hours 48 hours divided by okay.
Speaker 1:What are we starting with? Good, okay. So, moving back to my hat that you couldn't pronounce correctly my good trend, because I didn't really do news articles, I did trends. My good trend is country music artists opening more bars here in national Tennessee. I personally love it. I think it's different than any other city that America has. Yes, we are overcrowded, yes, there are a million bachelorettes, but I do think it's something unique that separates us from everywhere else. So, with that being said, a good trend Morgan Wallin is opening a bar near the Rhyman, luke Combs on Second Ave, eric Church, on the corner of second and Broadway and old Dominion, nice Odys, they're hopping over the bridge, they're going midtown. So if you've been in Asheville and you've been to what used to be rebar across from the celery, love your kung fu.
Speaker 2:I loved rebar was the spot patio, all watching space not even football watching, just a nighttime. You're going out late. You're going to rebar.
Speaker 1:I couldn't disagree with that more if I tried all right. I've. I really used rebar as a daytime hang okay because at night it turned into 21 year-old fratty bros okay, in my experience, right this is.
Speaker 2:This was 10 years ago, so I was mid 20s so you were the fratty bro, I was never fratty bro.
Speaker 1:I've seen the length of your shorts.
Speaker 2:I beg to differ you think my short length is a fratty bro length? Yes, 100% okay anyways.
Speaker 1:So Odys is opening supposedly this summer, which is gonna be an old Dominion bar and it's been something in the works. Obviously, these things don't just like pop up overnight and I'm excited because I have completely bullied my way into a situation of bartending there. I miss bartending yeah and I just feel like what better way than to pick up a shift or two a week? I mean my boss, I know the bosses pretty well, so I'm hoping they'll give me an opportunity to sling some drinks with their name on it.
Speaker 2:But I'm excited so it's Odys like the like their version of Swifties, if you go to your fan of old Dominion Odie and no, but I feel like that's a great maybe.
Speaker 1:I should tell them that. No, but it's just like OD. Whose bar is it? It's Odys, oh de millions, oh de millions.
Speaker 2:Oh, de millions oh letter D yeah, okay, but her hat says Odys, yes, odys got you like a nickname within the nickname all right, not Odys, not whatever you recall.
Speaker 1:Right, even though I told you before we started filming what it was called and you still butchered it they might have.
Speaker 2:They might have to change that name, cuz I bet you I'm not gonna be only one calling it Odys.
Speaker 1:I can guarantee you, anyone who is a fan of old Dominion, who is going to that bar, will know exactly how to pronounce this, without any sort of help but you're not just gonna be marketing towards your fans. You want everybody in Nashville to come to your bar what I'm saying is word of mouth is powerful and people they have a million followers on Instagram that already know how to have millions of Bachelorette girls coming here with their girls and be like, oh, let's go to Odys exactly that's what it's called yeah, you see, you already butchered it made my point, so I digress.
Speaker 2:All right, good news did you get paid for that?
Speaker 1:I didn't okay maybe I should, maybe I should make. Can you clip that out for me and I can send it to my boss? Yeah, free advertising this is.
Speaker 2:This is why Sam Kat and I's relationship is fantastic because I was on the car drive over. I'm like. I guarantee you we have such polar opposite topics and here she is talking about this brand new bar opening in Midtown, and my good news is that scientists spot the brightest object ever 500 trillion times more luminous than the Sun.
Speaker 1:That's pretty cool yeah, no, that is so cool please tell me more.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, so quasars are the bright cores of distance gap, distant galaxies powered by supermassive black holes, and 12 billion light years away, one has been found that is shining brighter than 500 trillion Suns. That's pretty bright.
Speaker 1:Sorry, I just fell asleep.
Speaker 2:What.
Speaker 1:Like okay.
Speaker 2:I mean yeah, that's cool, that's cool. That's cool, but the cool part is that it's probably burnt out long ago and so now we're seeing it, because it was 12 billion light years away.
Speaker 1:It's just impossible for me to wrap my head around that. And I understand the science behind it's wild, like how that's so astronomical, but it's just impossible for me to grasp.
Speaker 3:I know Because something.
Speaker 1:I'm seeing. It's like when Jeff was here and he was trying to explain how nothing else exists in the universe, like an absolute and incomparable, because he's just like this is science and I'm like but you literally just contradicted yourself and saying that things have been happening however many billions of years ago, and now they're just catching up. So how can you smugly sit on my love seat?
Speaker 2:and say that it doesn't exist. It's wild.
Speaker 1:That's just blasphemy.
Speaker 2:I know it's hard to wrap your brain around this Like 12 billion years ago, but now we're seeing it. And how do they know it was 12 billion years ago?
Speaker 1:Because of science and projections and equations and things that give them that answer, someone way smarter than you and I, combined times 12 billion, figured that out.
Speaker 2:Damn. That's my good news.
Speaker 1:I mean, I guess that's good news.
Speaker 2:That's cool.
Speaker 1:Hey, if that's what gets you going?
Speaker 2:who am I Gets me going? The bad.
Speaker 1:The bad, my bad trend again I didn't know, I did no news. I know my bad trends. My bad trend is just the incessant over or like encouragement to over consume on the internet.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:There is no such thing as an Amazon must have.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:There's nothing on Amazon you must have.
Speaker 2:We lived years without Amazon.
Speaker 1:And it's just like every time and I understand an algorithm and I do watch it, so I am guilty, like I'm giving myself this content. I know how social media works, but every time I sign on Instagram it's like the new trendy matching set whatever plastic organizational bins you need, matching this and like not for nothing, but being alive is very expensive. Being a single adult is very expensive. Not having a dual income household, having children is expensive. All of that adds up, it's like you don't need to feel bad because you can't fully stock a guest room with like hundreds of dollars worth of products. It seems so casual and blasé on the internet like, oh, you don't have a fully stocked guest bathroom, you peasant. I just think it's a bad trend. I feel like it is almost like subconsciously hurts you I don't know, it's not like punches you straight in the face. It's kind of one of those things that I feel like sits with you.
Speaker 2:And it's like you know, is there going to be a breaking point where the bubble pops?
Speaker 1:I mean it has to be.
Speaker 2:Because it just feels like everything is sales.
Speaker 1:Or in all those girls that come on and they're like watch me try on my Amazon haul, like that's hundreds of dollars, and then you don't know what they're returning, what they're keeping. They might have just purchased it to make the video and then they return it and they don't actually even own that. Also, you know this better than I do how many things are you sent for free? So it's like that girl is not spending $500 on that LED red light face mask that you want and that she's pushing for you to buy because she earns a commission off of it, which I'm not hating on that.
Speaker 1:I understand that being an influencer can be super lucrative, and if it pays the bills for your family, I mean that's also great. But it's just like I don't know. I just feel like it's such a bad trend that I thought would have kind of died out by now.
Speaker 2:But I feel like it's only ramping up.
Speaker 1:Yeah, because now I got TikTok shop and everything and it's so quick to just click and all of your information is saved, and now it's at your front door.
Speaker 2:It's all like now on my feed. It's all baby stuff, baby stuff, every other freaking video. I'm like do I need that but you don't, though that's.
Speaker 1:The thing is that it's just, but it's so. It's sneaky to me. That's what I was saying. I feel like it's subconscious, where it's just like why the fuck do I need 19 plastic bins for oranges in my fridge? It looks sexy, I'm like I want a fridge that looks like that.
Speaker 1:I love organization as much as the next clean freak, but I don't need to spend $150 on things. My fridge is what I spent money on to hold the oranges. I don't need the plastic bins on top of it. There are drawers within your fridge. You don't need it, Sammy.
Speaker 2:It's crazy. You don't need it. Yeah, everybody's trying to make a buck. I know Creating these businesses, creating these products. Everybody wants to work for themselves, work online, work through Instagram and like I said, though, that is a positive thing.
Speaker 1:I love that there are women out there that are feeding their kids and they don't have to leave their home. They get to be there with their kids, but it's just like I don't know. Something's got to give there.
Speaker 2:I've never heard the word haul so much than I have in the last month.
Speaker 1:Is this a new thing?
Speaker 2:I'm like that and get ready with me. I cannot stand.
Speaker 1:Get ready with me to go to the lawyer's office.
Speaker 2:There's a guy on Instagram. It's hilarious and he makes fun of them.
Speaker 1:Is it haters?
Speaker 2:He's just this guy and he's like all right, get ready with me. And he's using like butter and like peanut butter.
Speaker 1:I know who you're talking about.
Speaker 2:I've seen him he does like in the car.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, I don't know what his name is, but shout out to that creator.
Speaker 2:Because I literally saw one yesterday Get ready with me and I thought it was satire, like I thought she was actually like being funny, oh yeah, no, but she was being serious, serious, right now.
Speaker 1:I did see a girl who was it kind of broke my heart. This girl was 10, 11. Get ready with me to go to the playground, whatever, and I'm like I hate it, I do. I just like be a kid. I know I sound like a grumpy old, get off my lawn, man, but yeah, you don't need it. What are you getting ready for? You're 10. Yeah, I was getting ready with you. Should consist of brushing your teeth and putting on some limited to outfit.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:Like it's 97.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I was thinking last night when I was just sitting with the locks. I'm like I'm not going to give this boy an iPad or anything for years. I do not want him to be an iPad baby. And there's probably parents right now they're like just wait.
Speaker 1:Oh, don't even say the words, just wait.
Speaker 3:And I'm not judging.
Speaker 2:I don't I hate anybody judging any parenting, I guess now that I have a kid but an iPad.
Speaker 1:Okay, Wait also. But here's the thing Clearly I don't have kids. The words just wait, absolutely send me. I don't know why it makes me irate. There is a difference between judging and just having an opinion.
Speaker 2:Exactly yeah.
Speaker 1:You can have an opinion whether or not you have children Exactly A personal preference. I'm not coming into your home and being like you're a bad person because you do this Like I'm not judging you You're a bad parent Like no.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I just have my own personal. I just have my own personal. Yes, or it's what you like.
Speaker 1:Yes, so there, I would just really like to emphasize that there is a difference. I feel like people come for people, especially on the internet, where it's like I wasn't saying that you're a bad person if you do this, you're a bad parent if you do this. I'm just saying personally.
Speaker 2:Right, this is just my opinion, yeah.
Speaker 1:Take it or leave it. Move on with your life and continue doing what you're doing, or just. I don't care Exactly, this is just my opinion. Calm down everybody.
Speaker 2:Yeah Well, that kind of brings me to my bad a little bit. Not really my bad was it was going to start out with AI technology.
Speaker 1:Yes, yeah, right Scares me.
Speaker 2:Because it is kind of scary. It's really cool, though. It's really exciting and it's really good. Too good, it's too good.
Speaker 1:I mean, have we not learned anything from the movies that they've been creating for the last I don't know 50 years, of how quickly robots and AI will destroy the world?
Speaker 2:Right, and it's like man, how many jobs are going to be taken over by that?
Speaker 1:Well, there's already been so many jobs have been taken over by technology in general. Right, you go to McDonald's now I have not been to McDonald's in forever and I went. I stopped at McDonald's when I was on a road trip with my parents and you walk in and there's machines. You just order at a screen and then there are people in the back cooking the food. But for how long You're gonna walk into a McDonald's in 20 years? There's not gonna be a human on site. It's all robots.
Speaker 2:Yeah, like would I just post it on my Instagram. The Astro thing. Did you see that? It's an astromobile. It's like a little robot that moves around the gym and it's got like a periscope, thing which is terrifying, but like pretty cool. It's cool for, like, security reasons. So if I'm at home and then it hears something, it'll go to it and then it'll send me a live view of what's there.
Speaker 1:But if someone's like robbing you, you think they don't have like.
Speaker 2:No, it pulls out a gun and it shoots them.
Speaker 1:Tranquilizes them.
Speaker 2:And then you show up on the scene and get to a rescue Cool cool, cool.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean obviously, why wouldn't that happen? Yeah, it just. I mean the same thing, like I don't have an Alexa and I don't have a hey Google. I don't have any of those things because.
Speaker 2:Never use them, siri. How often do you use Siri? I mean, I kind of use Siri For what?
Speaker 1:When I'm too lazy to type something out, or if I'm cooking, I say hey, Siri play Lee Wood Mac yeah. But those things have. I mean it's proven that they do listen when you're talking in your house. I don't know, I sound like a conspiracy theorist and Look at that.
Speaker 4:What the fuck see your choices will help me learn the ones you like.
Speaker 2:That's crazy. It went from that conversation to start playing Cinderella by Mac Miller, featuring Ty Dalla sign.
Speaker 1:Because he said Fleetwood Mac and it heard Mac Miller, so it went with it but that's what I'm saying like. That's so nosy, that's so creepy.
Speaker 3:That is crazy. We did not plan that, by the way.
Speaker 1:That was just organic content right there. That's so weird, that's exactly what I'm talking about. They're listening all the time. That kind of stresses me out. I don't know what the fuck I'm saying in my house. I don't even know what I'm saying on a public podcast. Can you imagine when I'm in private?
Speaker 2:I mean this is what Dusty sent me the other day because I was talking about my tooth being out, and then he goes. Okay, I just disabled my Instagram. The shit posted on my search window Only discusses with you be a text, and this was right after I talked to him. It's a dentist or it's a lady with no front tooth?
Speaker 1:Yes, I'm telling you, even more so than I think. Speaking like texting, they graze over your texts. And here's the thing you and I, and probably 99.9% of anyone listening and in the world is guilty of this as well that when you update your phone or you download whatever, accept terms and conditions.
Speaker 2:I know. No, we read it right. It's like 35 pages long.
Speaker 1:They're gonna get us and they're like yeah, we told you that we were listening and watching and managing your keystrokes and everything. So when you text your friend about a missing front tooth and then we just happen to give you that advertising and then you purchase it Sorry, you fell subject to that, but that was the whole time Do anything about? It and you accepted it in these terms and conditions. Yeah, and you're just like well that's true, that's why you're terrifying.
Speaker 2:You just need to move out to Montana.
Speaker 1:Why do you think AI is cool but not good?
Speaker 2:You think it's bad. I think it's useful for a lot of things, but like Taylor Swift, nudes.
Speaker 1:Did you hear about that?
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:Her nudes got leaked, but as AI. Okay, Booth, let's start over it's AI.
Speaker 2:It's not real.
Speaker 1:Did you not bring up this subject?
Speaker 2:matter. Now you're mad at me because you think I'm lying.
Speaker 1:You said it leaked Taylor Swift's news, but then AI nudes, so it's not her body, but it looks pretty real.
Speaker 2:Well, that's the crazy thing too, is that now there could be controversial things that arise from AI, like Donald Trump, right, who had conversations leaked in the past and he was always like this isn't me. I mean, he's probably lying. Like you know, there's always impersonators, but now they have so much audio. They have so much audio of me and you now on the internet just from talking that you could literally make anything you wanted to any sentence. Come out of our mouths and release it. And release it, yeah.
Speaker 1:And enough it is. I mean, it's terrifying, just in general, the accessibility that you have. Even I mean I try and be mindful about and I am no one, nobody's really following me around, but just in general, as a woman and to be safe, not posting in real time.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Not giving them more to work with than I already am, like, obviously, sitting here talking with you. Like you said they can edit anything to make me say anything yeah. But just, I mean, with a little it's not even a lot of effort anymore. With a little bit of effort you can expose yourself pretty quickly.
Speaker 2:They must love that feature on the Bachelor. Now the AI tool yeah. Because they were cutting up sentences. When I was there 10 years ago, like I literally remember, it was the third week or something and they panned to me and it said I. And then they panned away for me and said love her. And they used me saying love from like weeks after.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm like I didn't say that I'm not in love with her. Yeah, it's been. I've literally been here for like four days. These people at home are going to think I'm crazy.
Speaker 1:They did. Yeah, absolutely. That's why they loved it and that's why they watch it, and they know that that's what gets the audience going, and so yeah.
Speaker 2:I mean creepy. You just say any loves already they don't even know her. But I'm like yeah.
Speaker 1:And then they got to know you and they're like, oh yeah, he is creepy. Yeah, exactly.
Speaker 2:It checks out. So then now they got the AI tool. But then also, when I walked in here, you guys both producer Andrew and you said that your phones don't work.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah Big.
Speaker 2:What's going on with that?
Speaker 1:I woke up this morning and I had no service, but I had obviously full bars because I was, or full wifi because I was in my house. And then you texted me with plenty of time to think of subject matter for this podcast that I was already driving to, and so once I left wifi, my phone just said SOS. So I walked in and I was just like, have you ever? I asked Andrew, have you ever just had SOS, like, and you're not in a dead zone, you're in your house. And he goes, oh, do you have AT&T? Immediately and I said yes and he said, oh, it's a nationwide thing.
Speaker 1:So I haven't really done extensive research, seeing as I found out about it about 20 seconds before we started this, but apparently T-Mobile, verizon and AT&T are struggling with their services today, which I don't know. I've heard a lot of theories that the next pandemic is going to be digital and they have you seen the one, that movie on Netflix with Julia Roberts, the end of the world movie? I can't remember the name of it now it's escaping me, but it kind of follows the same plot line.
Speaker 2:She was like blindfolded or something. No, no.
Speaker 1:Which one was that?
Speaker 2:Which one was that? First of all, that was Sandra Bullock, and that was a completely different movie, but it's relatively recent with Julia Roberts.
Speaker 1:Let me look it up and well, I don't know if I can because my phone doesn't work, but it basically is just like a bunch of technology starts to fail and like Teslas are driving themselves and crashing into each other because they can't stop, because there's like a digital takeover.
Speaker 2:Well, that's what is the biggest threat to the country, to the world. And there was something on the podcast. I don't know where it was. I saw a clip on TikTok and there's a guy talking about war. Right yeah, there'll be wars, nuclear war. The US isn't going to be really threatened by that because our technology is so far advanced and better than every other country, so it's not really that scary for us to get hit with a nuclear weapon. But it's like the technology war is the biggest one that would take down the country in like 15 minutes.
Speaker 1:And the easiest. I mean, I don't know if it's easiest, what do I know? I'm literally nobody, but I'm just saying that it is less physical effort. You don't have to send millions of bodies in and all this stuff that, like you know, when you and I were in school and we were learning about war, the picture of war in our head was much different than a war that could wage today digitally and electronically and technology, and that's what the scary part is.
Speaker 1:The movie is called Leave the World Behind. It's very strange, it's very interesting, but it's one of those things that doesn't feel too far off, feels pretty feasible, which you know. I saw this trend, speaking of trends and good, bad and ugly, but that the millennial midlife crisis is homesteading. Like before. It was like you buy a red convertible and cheat on your wife and whatever you know, like the stereotypical midlife crisis. Now it's like you move out to land and get chickens and like have a farm. And I'm just saying to myself I've never felt more exposed because that's all I want to do.
Speaker 1:I want to have a quarter mile driveway. I want to live off my land. I want to have my own chickens. I want to like not depend on mass chain anything.
Speaker 2:I feel like that's David Beckham right now. The dude keeps posting videos. I think of him and his chickens like eggs in the morning.
Speaker 1:I'm sure he's a millennial. I love that for him and I that's like. I think that's a benchmark in success for that. That's one of my goals now.
Speaker 2:I'm like oh right, I'm like that dude has been everywhere in the world, been the most famous guy in the world. At one point married the you know super famous rock band girl, best soccer player.
Speaker 1:He's called Spice Girls, a rock band, yeah.
Speaker 2:But he's had the highest of highs ever and now he's probably like just trying to find anything to get his like adrenaline going or get like some type of feeling.
Speaker 4:Do you think that?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm like he's probably experienced everything in his life that now it's like what could I do?
Speaker 1:Maybe just chillin.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and just chillin, which is that's cool.
Speaker 1:It is weird I'm to sound cliche. I don't care if I sound cliche. I do truly believe that like a lot of the fun in life is figuring it out and like going through it and the quote unquote journey, if you will. That makes me want to gag saying that out loud. That I feel like that's why sometimes really successful people kind of fall into a rut or a level of depression because, like you said, he's achieved so so, so much.
Speaker 3:He's not old, he's young, he's got a lot of life to live.
Speaker 1:And it's like OK, well now, what do I do? Yeah, exactly, and it's almost like oh, kind of like an empty feeling, yeah, and it's like I mean it goes to show that figuring it out and going on the journey is a lot of the fun. When you do it so young, it's kind of like well, now, what do I do?
Speaker 2:Yeah, how do I spend the rest of my days? He's got a beautiful family, kids, all the money in the world. He can go anywhere he wants, do anything he wants.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but the good news is that he has all the money in the world, so his sources are not limited.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:He can really dig deep and find something.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:That I'm sure will entertain him. Yeah, and when I can you. I just I could not imagine just money, not even being like an object. It doesn't deter anything, I know.
Speaker 2:It's weird.
Speaker 1:90 percent 99 percent.
Speaker 2:I feel like I know 9 percent of people don't know that.
Speaker 1:Money is the biggest thing in the room. It's the biggest elephant in the room about any situation.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and it's bullshit when everybody's like it doesn't make you happier. Ok, that might be the truth, where it doesn't make you happier Having more money, but it can provide some happiness A lot less stressful. Yes, you don't have to wake up worrying about it. You don't have to grind all day to achieve it Right. You can live your life in a more content lifestyle, peaceful, and spend more time doing the things you want to do. So, yeah, maybe it doesn't make you happier, but it definitely makes life a lot less stressful.
Speaker 1:I think it can contribute to your happiness.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I'd much rather yes yeah, yeah, to an extent for sure. But if you buy, say, the best car you've ever wanted to buy, then you'd be like, ok, that's cool. And then, like a couple months later you'd be like, eh, it's the same.
Speaker 1:Sure, but if I had an endless supply, I would be going on bomb-ass vacations with people that I loved. That would provide me a lot of happiness. Yeah, I agree with you, I would be the most generous rich person too, like hi, just wanted to let you know I already bought your plane ticket and you have like 13 hours to pack and I'll see you in yeah you don't need to pack because I bought you all your clothes, that's fair.
Speaker 2:And your suitcase.
Speaker 1:Well, I would just give them a cordial 13 hour heads up, I guess, yeah 13 hours. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Or it'd be like hey, look outside your window. There's a chopper? Chopper, yeah, but I wouldn't buy a chopper. Those things go down all the time.
Speaker 1:Listen, if Kobe Bryant can die in one of those, so can I. I'll never get in one, oh yeah. I don't know why that his death literally changed my view of helicopters. They've always been bad, but I don't know why that particular, I don't know why I was just like wow, he seemed invincible to me because he's like such an elite athlete and all that stuff and I'm like dang, if he can go down, I can go down and I just have never looked at a helicopter the same since that death, yeah even that country.
Speaker 2:Do here. Yep, gentry, yeah, yeah, that was before Kobe yeah.
Speaker 1:But still it. Just I don't know why Kobe was a turning point for me. I have no yeah.
Speaker 2:I mean, like you said, he's looked at as a super human hero. Everybody in the world knows him and, just like that, you were the one who told me about Kobe dying. I remember I was in the gym.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we were in the lobby, you're like Kobe Bryant died and I was like, are you kidding? Like yeah. And you're like Sam Kat. Why would I joke about that? So defensive immediately. And I was like OK, sorry didn't mean to offend you and I was like I don't know. I just feel like, out of all the things that were going to come out of your mouth, kobe Bryant dies was not in the top one billion. I know, and then in a helicopter was not in the top three billion.
Speaker 2:It was like one of those things where you know where you were, like 9-11. Yes, I remember sitting by the desk, got a mess on my phone. I went to the computer. I'm like what? Yes, I was there.
Speaker 1:Yeah, same with when Michael Jackson died. I remember when Michael Jackson died, I was there, I was on the airport. I was, I was babysitting, yeah. It is wild. Had those things kind of stick out to you, yeah, but do you have any of those memories when something good happened?
Speaker 2:There's this new planet that's like 1500 times bigger prior than the sun I was driving here and I saw that. What would be a good thing, though Like what would be?
Speaker 1:what would be a good thing?
Speaker 2:Like like personally to you and your life, or just like how Michael Jackson died. That's a terrible thing. Kobe Bryant died that's a terrible thing.
Speaker 1:What is the good version of that Like let's swing the flag? What is the good version of that Like let's swing? The pendulum the other way. The good it's terrible that we can't think of something good in where we were.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Like we can something bad, and I'm learning this in real time.
Speaker 2:Yeah, same. Maybe that's why when the Twin Towers fell.
Speaker 1:Fourth grade no, no, no. Sixth grade Mr King's fourth period, class I was in the second row. I'll never forget.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I was a sophomore in high school, walking from gym class.
Speaker 1:I even remember what I was wearing.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I remember walking to science class and then the teacher next door kept me coming in and out to talk with our teacher because his wife took a flight out of the same airport and he couldn't get in touch with her.
Speaker 1:And it was 2001. So it wasn't like you know, nowadays. Yeah, you can just call him.
Speaker 2:Because it wasn't Connecticut, and so we had an airport in our town and yeah, that's terrifying. The girl that I was dating. Her dad was in New York City.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:That day.
Speaker 1:And it's been however many years and when they do you know, the memorial shows documentaries every 9-11.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 1:It's never, not just as devastating to me, I know. I can't imagine it gives me the chills. It's like I can't believe that happened in my lifetime.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And was. So I mean, I don't know. I feel like the other big historical event that we learned about that would be similar would be Pearl Harbor, and that almost seems I don't want to say fake because I feel like that's offensive, but it was just so. Before my time it was in a space that's so far away from the mainland where I lived, like it just was a historical reference that I learned about instead of like a history being made that I was living Right.
Speaker 1:And I wasn't even there. I was in Chicago in sixth grade hanging out Mr King's class.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean, now I'm just trying to think of something good.
Speaker 1:Yeah, isn't that terrible that we can't?
Speaker 2:Yeah. I don't know. What does that say about humans?
Speaker 1:Focus on the bad. Yeah, it's easy to do.
Speaker 2:But what about the ugly?
Speaker 1:Oh, back on track booth. So again, mine's a trend and mine is a little more personal which I feel like I don't know your target demographic of who's listening to you here, but I am a millennial, you are a millennial and I've joked about it on my Instagram previously, but I just feel like the ugly trend is being inundated with Gen Z ripping on absolutely everything millennials do.
Speaker 2:Oh wow, you do sound like the old man on the get off my lawn right now.
Speaker 1:And here's the thing You're going to start a war. No, I'm not going to start a war, I just don't get it, because I was like maybe I just I had selective memory and I used to make fun of Gen X and I just don't remember.
Speaker 2:That's what I'm saying. What were you doing at their age?
Speaker 1:Okay, but then I put out a poll on my Instagram. I've asked my other millennial friends. I'm like did we do this? Every single one of them was like no, I gave zero shits about what?
Speaker 2:Give us some examples here.
Speaker 1:I log on or TikTok, instagram, whatever, and it's just like, oh my God, sandals are so choo-kee.
Speaker 2:What's choo-kee?
Speaker 1:Choo-kee is what Gen Z calls millennials.
Speaker 2:Choo-kee, what's a G?
Speaker 1:CH-E-U-G-Y. Choo-kee, wow, oh my God. No show. Socks are so choo-kee. Oh my God. Everything I'm like okay. So what am I supposed to wear? A brown paper bag.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you should just be like first of all, girl, everything you're wearing right now is what we wore in the 90s.
Speaker 1:And it was ugly then, and it's ugly now.
Speaker 3:It's still ugly now. We already got rid of that. You got the chunky shoes, the baggy pants.
Speaker 2:I watch people on Instagram and TikTok and I'm like you look like.
Speaker 1:We already did this. We already did this when we were getting our adult teeth. We already cleared this from the fashion archives and you brought it back. Have you walked around Target lately?
Speaker 2:But it looks like they just throw anything. It looks like your friend, who's trying to make you look terrible, says close your eyes. I'm going to put something on you.
Speaker 1:It looks like.
Speaker 2:And it's like that's fashion.
Speaker 1:No, it looks like you are doing a walk of shame yeah. But like with sneakers that actually fit you, instead of whoever shoes you borrowed from the frat house that you're walking home from. I don't understand why.
Speaker 2:But now do we sound old? We sound like the old people. No, no, no.
Speaker 1:Listen, I don't mind sounding old, I love sounding old. Great, I have more experience than you. I'm just. I don't understand the obsession with like, oh my God, millennials are so gross, they're so cringe, they're so this, and I'm just like I never felt that way about the people older than me. I never cared.
Speaker 2:I kind of socked.
Speaker 1:Are you fucking kidding me? That kind of socks someone who is older than me is wearing in their day to day life what?
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And I know that, like social media, contributes to it and trends Big time we're gonna have that.
Speaker 2:One person sees it.
Speaker 1:But you guys have nothing better to do, and that's the thing they don't. They don't. I'm like, just wait, baby, call me when you don't have to pay your property taxes. Call me when you go to escrow and you're freaking out because like yeah, call me when you're trying to figure out. All of a sudden, you sneezed and threw your black. You're black. You're back out.
Speaker 3:And you're like holy shit, how should?
Speaker 1:I go to the doctor. So when you have those kind of things to worry about, then maybe you're not going to be concerned about how high my socks come up on my ankles.
Speaker 2:Chewy cat.
Speaker 1:Emerson or whatever Gen Z name you have, like I don't, and that's the thing.
Speaker 2:but they all come back. So what they're saying? Tube socks or the look? No, they, Because we've always had tube socks.
Speaker 1:The mid ankle. And that's the thing is that I don't even really know what's trending. I don't know what's cute. I know that a black, high rise skinny jean will never go out of style, and I don't really care what a 17 year old with no pores tells me on the internet.
Speaker 1:I'm like yeah it must be nice to not have a wrinkle. So boomers are yelling at us that we ruined the economy and we killed it with avocado toast and not having children. And then, on the other side, gen Z is like oh my God, I can't believe you're wearing those socks. It's like I can't win.
Speaker 2:But it is every generation going at.
Speaker 1:But not Gen X is just like coasting baby, Just coasting.
Speaker 2:What's the demographic for that? What's the age?
Speaker 1:Exactly that's what I'm saying, like 47, I think I know Gen Z and Millennial Cusp is 97. I think it's to like 80, 80 to 97, maybe. So anyone born before that is technically Gen X, and then, you know, in the 60s is boomers. I'm not sure I'm butchering this. I'm sure someone's like screaming in their car right now at me to get it right, but Gen X is just coasting. I'm like. I feel like I identify as a Gen X.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Nobody's ripping on them, they're just living their best life.
Speaker 3:No one cares, and I, but that's what I'm saying I never cared what they were doing.
Speaker 1:I'm like, hey, you guys are trying to figure out as well.
Speaker 2:Yeah. It seems pretty simple to me. That's my only trend.
Speaker 1:I know we're getting old, but I just, I don't, I don't care, I don't, I don't know why Gen Z? Cares. It seems like misplaced energy. We could be doing much better things with that.
Speaker 2:We could, but hey, teach their own right.
Speaker 1:To each their own Is that what they say. I mean, I guess.
Speaker 2:All right, my ugly.
Speaker 1:What's your ugly?
Speaker 2:This is. This is trending right now. I don't know if you've seen this. You've had to have seen this. I don't know my phone's not working. Tisa Risa no idea.
Speaker 1:Have you heard about?
Speaker 2:this? No idea. Oh man, andrew, have you heard about Tisa Risa? What? Okay, no, tisa Risa, I don't know. Okay, so this is Garo on TikTok and she did this 50-part series. She's got. She's amassed over like hundreds of millions of views.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:And her name is Tisa Risa, and it's who the Fuck Did.
Speaker 1:I Marry. Yeah, okay, actually, dre told me about it when I was at your house yesterday so that I feel like that's cheating. So I didn't figure that out on my own she.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I heard from Dre. I'm like what are you listening to, just like all day.
Speaker 1:Yes, she said there's 50 videos.
Speaker 2:Oh, you listen to 50 videos but she'll play it.
Speaker 1:and she said she puts her phone down on the counter and just like, takes care of whatever she's doing and listens to it like a podcast, just tell it in detail and in order With that being said, I do have a public service announcement.
Speaker 3:The series who the Fuck Did I Marry is not something that you have to sit down and hold your phone and watch. I did it the way I did it so that way you actually can listen to it as an audience.
Speaker 2:So this girl literally just sits in front of her phone and it has 50-plus videos, I think.
Speaker 1:But what an intriguing way to get information out. She has her own podcast right now, but it's on TikTok and she now has 2.3 million followers.
Speaker 2:Yes, 21.6 million likes.
Speaker 1:How many minutes until she has a Netflix documentary?
Speaker 2:That's what Dre was saying. I was like, yeah, probably. I mean look at.
Speaker 1:Well, give us a T. What does she talk about?
Speaker 2:I don't even think it needs 50 parts. I said the same thing to Dre. So Dre, give me a 30-second recap of what is going on with this girl.
Speaker 1:Okay, but the girlies out there love true crime docs.
Speaker 2:So just because, you want the 37.
Speaker 1:Hey, I love true crime docs 30-second recap doesn't mean that the rest of the world does.
Speaker 4:I'm going to try not to leave anything important out recently.
Speaker 2:Okay, I'm going to try and find the quickest recap here on TikTok and just play it for you guys, because I cannot sit here and explain it.
Speaker 1:Is this going to make me like afraid to live by myself?
Speaker 2:No, it's just some girl who Love Love.
Speaker 4:That's f***ed. I'm here. Risa Tisa from Georgia has gone viral after she outed her ex-husband as a pathological liar and master manipulator in a 50-part TikTok series. The nearly eight-hour-long saga broke down every step of Risa's explosive relationship with ex-husband's legion, detailing the lies he told to con her into a relationship. Risa says he gave false promises of hidden wealth, offering to buy her lavish gifts, including paying for her rent and bills, but would fake phone calls with financial advisors and find excuses not to pay. He even said he was working as the vice president of a condiment company. She discovered he was in fact unemployed and cheating with his ex-wife. Her suspicions came to a head when she was asked to provide her spouse's social security number for a new job, only to discover he had lied about where he lived, where he went to school and said she was forced to run a background check on him. Her ex-husband has now hit back at her claims, telling her to stop lying. The real reason I left you you cheated. I'll call you if the house were, bradley.
Speaker 4:Regardless of whose side you're on, the dramatic saga has left online users second-guessing their own partner's credibility. I need those security numbers. I'm sure we're counting. We have. Obviously we're counting.
Speaker 1:Okay, so First of all, what she said no matter which side you're on, how are their sides?
Speaker 2:I know because somebody said yesterday they're like, yeah, he came out and said all of it's a lie. I'm like you're telling me all of it's a lie man.
Speaker 1:No, it's terrifying that I feel as though this is not the first time I've heard of a situation like this.
Speaker 2:Like there are other documentaries that I've watched, I know I almost said a story, asking if anybody out there following us has any type of stories like that we're. I'm sure there are, but not to that extent maybe. I guess he had a twin brother who was successful doing all that stuff.
Speaker 1:So he was just using his life.
Speaker 2:So he lied about family members getting or being killed during COVID went, took her out to a grave site which apparently they weren't even there. Yeah, that's a whole other thing but I'm like man 50 parts, she's Eight hours worth of content is great.
Speaker 1:Yeah, no, she's playing the game and she's doing it correctly. And also, yes, I want to know every detail. Give me eight hours worth of content and something that you can put on while you're cleaning your house and have entertainment. I love that, but I cannot imagine. I just don't understand. I understand lies, obviously. I understand lies Everybody lies but there are people who, I feel like, can't help themselves. They don't even know what reality versus the lie is. There's such a pathological liar.
Speaker 2:Because they convinced themselves.
Speaker 1:Yes, yes, and then they believe that that is reality or that's the truth and it's. I mean, I don't want to say it's common, but I feel like it's common.
Speaker 2:For sure.
Speaker 1:More common than I'd like it to be.
Speaker 2:I bet that there's so many people that live these double lives.
Speaker 1:But then you marry them, you commit your life with them and then you find out because you had to find their social security number. Yeah, Miss me with that.
Speaker 2:Also, I mean this girl stayed with them through a lot of red flags.
Speaker 1:Like, but when you're in love you don't see them as much.
Speaker 2:I think she was pregnant too. And that also adds to the stress yeah, exactly. But, and they also started dating and he moved in like a couple of weeks later and then he started like buying her stuff, which she was like okay.
Speaker 1:There are the trends that it's like you know right out from the beginning. Some of the things that they do really backs up who they say that they are and then, as time goes on, all of a sudden they're faking financial calls, or they have to do this or they can't buy that. We can't go on this trip anymore. Like have you seen bad surgeon on Netflix?
Speaker 2:Is that the doctor death guy.
Speaker 1:The one that puts the plastic tracheas in people's necks? Yeah, no, it's. It's like two part. First of all, he was a fraud in a medical space and was like killing patients and using them as like guinea pigs. Basically, he did all of the research backwards, where you're supposed to test in a lab and then go through all of these procedures until you're able to perform on a human, and he somehow faked everything, faked the results and started experimenting on people. And that's one half of it. But the other half is that he had a lavish life than he was engaged to this woman who ended up being a journalist. Then come to find out he has multiple women, multiple families, he speaks seven different languages across literally the entire world, and it just like unravels, piece by piece, which sounds similar to.
Speaker 2:Yeah, risa Tisa.
Speaker 1:Risa Tisa, who the hell names her kid Risa.
Speaker 2:Her last name is Tisa.
Speaker 1:Is that really her name?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean, that's like if I had a girl naming her Ruth, Ruth Booth.
Speaker 1:Oh, I kind of like that though.
Speaker 2:Risa. Tisa is a wild name.
Speaker 1:And you know what it's going to go down in history, because she is a yeah, she's going to be a famous, she's going to get a ton of money.
Speaker 2:She's going to get all these brand deals and you know what? Dravers trying to tell me that she's making millions off of the creator fund for TikTok. There's no way she's making that much.
Speaker 1:I bet you she will eventually. But good for her. She earned it. She married a pathological liar who tried to ruin her life, and now she's going to make money off. Listen, if you're going to be a psycho, that's up to you. But who said I can't make money off it?
Speaker 2:Yeah, Get it girl Risa yeah.
Speaker 1:I just also just add that to the list of reasons. I'm like you know what, I'm okay, alone, I'm good. I just feel like every time I'm like I should try to hear stories like this and I'm like I'm good, I'm good. That sounds terrifying. I'd rather be alone for the rest of my entire life than marry someone who's just a pathological liar from top to bottom.
Speaker 2:But I gotta imagine the odds of that are pretty slim. But how do you know? You don't know.
Speaker 1:Sam Kent, they're very convincing Until you try it. Oh, I'm good, I'm on a hiatus, I'm good. Thank you so much for your concern, all right.
Speaker 2:Well, there you have it.
Speaker 1:The good, bad and the ugly, the good, the bad, the ugly.
Speaker 2:Thank you guys for tuning in today. Hopefully you get your service back.
Speaker 1:I would see where we're at.
Speaker 2:But hey, you said it earlier.
Speaker 1:Still says no, no docs, it should be nice.
Speaker 2:It should be a good feeling, freeing right. You don't have to watch everybody's selling you shit. You don't gotta watch.
Speaker 1:No, no, my wifi still works. I'm just talking about, like I don't know, people who are working in corporate America right now. Like what is it? It's 11 o'clock on a weekday.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:What if you had a very important business call and you can't conduct it anymore Too?
Speaker 2:bad, so sad.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay, cool, that's. Thank you so much for your empathy. I just feel like that could really fuck up a lot of things that we're not even thinking about right now. Just because I'm in my own little bubble and safe doesn't mean that it has repercussions across. Yeah, I don't know the world. How far is this going? Or is it just America?
Speaker 2:Could be just America. That would be scary. But if you're like me and you got T-Mobile, you should have full bars 5G right now. I'm looking good over here. You have T-Mobile, T-Mobile. Everybody always asks me why I have T-Mobile. It's great. I got it when I was back and forth from Canada and with my ex because it was free Canadian minutes. You got free minutes to Canada and Mexico.
Speaker 1:Speaking of being old, remember when you had to wait until 9 PM to make free calls.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah.
Speaker 1:I saw a meme that was like I told a Gen Z that I used to have to pay 10 seconds per or 10 seconds 10 cents per text message, and they asked me what kind of medication I was on and I was like that's fair. I would also not believe them if someone told me that in modern day times as well. But that was it, kids, back when I was wearing my no show socks and pissing you off.
Speaker 2:There she is. She is the angry man that wants to get off her lawn.
Speaker 1:I'm not angry and I don't want you to get off my lawn, but I do want to put chickens on my lawn, so we'll see, we'll let you do that, otis happy to be here.
Speaker 2:Happy to be here. Time on 3.