In The Booth with Shawn Booth
You may know Shawn Booth from The Bachelorette, you may know him as a fitness guy who owns a gym in Nashville, or you may just know his dog, Walter.
Tune in as Shawn sits down with people from all walks of life: artists, athletes, entrepreneurs, military personnel, badass moms, fitness professionals, and everything in between. You'll hear motivational stories, healthy habits that lead to success, relationship tips, and more.
However you know him, you'll get to know the real Shawn and his guests right here on In The Booth.
In The Booth with Shawn Booth
Friday Night Lights (w/ SamCat)
Shawn & SamCat share laughs and insights on birthdays, parenting, modern traditions & gender roles as they catch up on life while back In The Booth!
we are back in the booth. I'm sean booth and thank you guys for tuning in. Wherever you're listening from, maybe you are listening from nice, france I'm headed there next week. Maybe you're listening from myrtle beach, south car, carolina she's heading there.
Speaker 3:Next week.
Speaker 2:Next week, or maybe you are listening from Rendville, ohio, which is the least populated city in Ohio. Fun fact for you. Okay, and to my left, here she is wearing. It's the 90s. The 90s are officially back. She's wearing jeans that are baggy and wide. It's a trend. Trends always come back with Converse, which have also been around for years and years and years, so much so that our dads wore those and on the top, a Dillon's Panther football T-shirt, number 33. If you know, you know that is Timmy Riggins. We got Riggs Cat in the building.
Speaker 3:Riggs Cat, I'll take it. I wish I was Mrs Riggins.
Speaker 2:He's a stud, taylor Kitsch.
Speaker 3:I know.
Speaker 2:Canadian. Did you know that? No, I did not know that, yeah.
Speaker 3:I just knew he was hot. Yeah, he's like every girl's of mine where I was like, hmm, I'm definitely into dudes.
Speaker 2:Oh, it took you that long to realize that.
Speaker 3:No, but I just feel like it was in a prime age group where you're just trying to figure out who you are.
Speaker 2:The whole cast. The girls are, oh yeah, beautiful.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that show is. I re-watched it during the pandemic and I was like, oh, it's still the best yeah.
Speaker 2:Connie Britton.
Speaker 3:She's actually one of my number one. I just, I love everything she, not even just Friday night lights. Anything she's done, she's amazing.
Speaker 2:Amy T Garden. She's hot.
Speaker 3:She's had a great career since then as well.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and then um, who was the girl that dated Derek Jeter? A lot of them have.
Speaker 3:Minka Kelly Kelly, something like that yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah. Anyways great show, great cast, they're all beautiful and it's just like a I don't know why it's so good.
Speaker 3:Wait, hold on. We didn't recognize the hottest man of the show.
Speaker 2:Not Matt Saracen.
Speaker 3:Coach Taylor.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Coach Taylor.
Speaker 3:Oh, my goodness.
Speaker 2:So good, that was a perfect role for him. What's his?
Speaker 3:name Kyle, something.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:He kind of reminded me of my high school basketball coach, Coach DePippo Well, and I also think that that's why he was so good in the shows, because everyone related like, oh, that was my high school football coach it was just him and his nice wife and their daughter. Small town Texas.
Speaker 2:And we're that age, like you're saying. We can relate to it and the high school dreams and Friday Night Lights.
Speaker 3:Good stuff.
Speaker 2:Good stuff.
Speaker 3:Just wholesome content right there.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I kind of want to just move to Texas to bring locks up in Texas for Friday Night Lights.
Speaker 3:I think that's a great idea. Yeah, thanks you can hang out with my parents.
Speaker 2:That's right, they're in Texas.
Speaker 3:Oh my God, are you joking? My parents would love that.
Speaker 2:Yeah Well, one of the best shows. If you haven watched, you should. We are back in the studio it's been a while haven't seen sam cat in how?
Speaker 3:long weeks, months, truly weeks, years, maybe even a month, what? I don't even know what day it is right now yeah, over a month well, first of all, happy birthday thank you.
Speaker 2:That was a couple weeks ago can I tell everybody?
Speaker 3:do you remember what happened on your birthday? No, I already don't okay, when I facetimed you oh, and I didn't facetime you back I literally facetimed sean, because I'm like, oh it's shawny b's birthday. I should you know be a good friend I facetimed sean.
Speaker 3:He answers the phone looking like he was about to rob a 7-eleven and I was like, okay, and he is standing there with like this angle I could see your brain. And I was like, sup, you're like sam dog. Okay, you don't seem very happy. It's your birthday. I'm like, hey, happy birthday. Uh, hey, one sec, I'm about to walk in an elevator. Can I call you right back? I'm like, yeah, no problem and I called you back never yeah, and I was like all right, cool, I'll go fuck myself.
Speaker 2:All right, happy birthday hand up on that one. That's my bad. I appreciate the call. You were the only one who facetimed me.
Speaker 3:I well, I can see you really cherished it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so thank you, I did, and that's the thing about birthdays they're great, but for a guy like me who's not really good at getting back to people, a little stressful. Sean, you didn't have to get back to me.
Speaker 3:I called you. You answered.
Speaker 2:You didn't have to get back, I know, but I was getting on an elevator.
Speaker 3:We could have connected. So what, the connection's going to go out and then it will come back in once you get out of the elevator.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I was running around, I was in Anaheim, yeah, so thank you, no, no, I get it.
Speaker 3:You're too cool for me, I get it yeah, yeah, yeah, too cool. Yeah, yeah too Say it.
Speaker 2:It's your age. Yeah, I know your birthday.
Speaker 3:Just say it Sean Come on.
Speaker 2:I can say it. I'll say it later. We don't want to say it now.
Speaker 3:You are such a fuck.
Speaker 2:December 14th.
Speaker 3:Are you joking?
Speaker 2:Easton, what's her birthday?
Speaker 3:Why would Easton know my birthday? I met him less than a year ago. Sean, you came to my birthday party.
Speaker 4:I'm assuming December 14th is wrong.
Speaker 3:Yes, very wrong, by like many months yeah that was a joke.
Speaker 2:She's just a big Christmas girl.
Speaker 4:So we'll go July 10th.
Speaker 3:Much closer, but no.
Speaker 4:You're June baby I was.
Speaker 3:We're moving on. I'm not gonna tell you because I hope you miss it and I said it's coming up in a couple weeks okay well, that's also incorrect I have it written down.
Speaker 2:It's also incorrect what do you mean?
Speaker 3:it's also incorrect a couple of weeks, a couple of months yeah, let's just move, let's just move on. Let's just move on, Okay. So let me ask you this you didn't know my birthday?
Speaker 2:Did you know it for a fact or did you see something on social media?
Speaker 3:No, I know your birthday.
Speaker 2:You knew it, you knew that.
Speaker 3:I know that because I'm your friend and I've known you for over half a decade.
Speaker 2:I have it in my calendar here. I swear I have it here. I'm sure it's in the calendar.
Speaker 3:You just have to search through every month to figure out which part of the calendar it's in, and that's okay.
Speaker 2:Sam Cat's birthday is coming up. We're going to have a big celebration for it 34. Yeah, I'm 38. Oh yeah, I thought you were 37. No See, I knew you were going to be 34. First of all, sean, I knew that.
Speaker 3:Sit on a construction cone. No, I yeah. He knows it was on our social media as well. August 23rd 22nd, but yes, damn it.
Speaker 4:I should have known, because I see the post.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I have it on here.
Speaker 2:That's called resourcefulness.
Speaker 3:Thank you, Easton, August 22nd right 8. It's all right, we'll get there.
Speaker 2:Anyways, 38. Maybe on our 10-year friendship anniversary.
Speaker 3:You'll remember my birthday. Yeah, 38 is old dude.
Speaker 2:That's like it's not old. That is old, it's not old.
Speaker 3:It's just, it's not old.
Speaker 2:It's way different than 37. It's like, ooh, almost 40. Okay, I agree.
Speaker 3:I think that there's some sort the algorithms that I follow because I'm also getting older, but everybody raves about their 40s. They say it's awesome.
Speaker 2:Sam K, we've said the same thing about our 30s, probably the same thing about our 20s.
Speaker 3:No, I did not say that about my 20s. My 20s, I was just like dropped in the middle of a video game with no instructions and just kept running into the wall until I cried.
Speaker 2:But I remember saying yeah, 30s are awesome.
Speaker 3:But 30s are awesome. They're just a different kind of awesome.
Speaker 2:And that's going to be for the rest of our lives every decade.
Speaker 3:But I don't know, man, I don't know when.
Speaker 2:Do you think that that stops After 40, when you hit 50? Because then you're like you know you got kids and now it's like you could be, could not be retired. Retired life is like kind of chill. Now you're watching your beautiful kids do whatever they're doing and being successful. That to some of the probably like, oh, 50s are the best listen, I'll let you know when I get there.
Speaker 3:I plan on having a good time until 102 years old, and then I'm just gonna tap out sam cat, I love you. You ain't making it to 102 I okay, this is on air right now you ain't making it to 102 why not? Because, well, I decided that I am, so I'm gonna prove you wrong, and I love when people tell me I can't do things, because then you got a better chance than me and take pictures way better chance.
Speaker 2:I know I'm not. We had this conversation the other day, my buddies. I'm like what age would you like if somebody said you're gonna make it to 80? I'm like, fucking sign me up yesterday on the dotted contract, like I will take that. That is like that's long, especially for a male.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, you're looking at me like nah no, I mean, I just think that sure, I think it also depends on, like, what kind of life you live. I don't know. Know, I feel like there's so.
Speaker 2:And what kind of life do you live? One that's going to get you to 103? I don't think so. I couldn't agree less Okay. What is that supposed to mean? First of all, you know exactly what that's supposed to mean.
Speaker 3:You're speaking a lot in between the lines, and I'd like you to just say it out loud.
Speaker 2:SamC. Are we being serious?
Speaker 3:Yes, I take care of myself.
Speaker 2:To the max To live to 103?. Do you know what you have to do to live to 103?
Speaker 3:Yeah, I watched the documentary on Netflix.
Speaker 2:that followed all of the centurions around the world. It was about the food that they eat, right, and it was like Americans are, like the lowest.
Speaker 3:The number one thing you need to do is stay mobile.
Speaker 2:That's the number one.
Speaker 3:Yes, like that's the number one, yes, like that's truly like the. Uh, obviously you fuel yourself, but like when you stop moving is when things start to shut down. That's like the common denominator, right?
Speaker 2:so I just plan to be a busy body until about 101 I hope that I can, but I feel like I damage my body pretty heavily in my 20s and 30s. But I've been on a yeah right, can't relate can't relate you think I party more, you party more sean, you definitely party more than I did.
Speaker 3:Just because you're sober now doesn't mean you're like holier than no, I'm not saying that at all.
Speaker 2:I'm saying that you probably part.
Speaker 3:I mean, I partied you party way more than since I was like 14.
Speaker 2:Yeah what, but I will say this to my defense I was always a weekend partier, unless I went on Benders.
Speaker 3:So was I.
Speaker 2:No, I feel like the business that you're in. You got to party more than the weekends. It's a drinking business.
Speaker 3:Just because I work in that environment doesn't mean that I'm partaking in that environment?
Speaker 2:Oh, you're not, you have, I have. Of course I have.
Speaker 3:Who wouldn't? My life is fun. Sorry, yours sounds like it isn't Like what's going on.
Speaker 2:I don't know.
Speaker 3:You're trying to dip out early.
Speaker 2:Like I want to extend this thing. Okay, all right, I hope you do.
Speaker 3:When I am like out there and dance in like their 80s. Yeah, I will take a picture and apparently lay it on your grave and just be like I told you, I won't be there. Yeah, yeah, let me know I'll be hanging out with locks okay, yeah, that'd be great that would be great, that would be great.
Speaker 2:Well, hopefully I miss him. We get there. 102. She's calling her shot. My grandma's gonna get there. That's a fact. My grandma's, I think, gotta be close to 90. In her 90s she has more energy than both of us combined. Her head is there. It's, it's wild, it's possible and her dad lived to 96 97 love it yeah, short little polish lady.
Speaker 3:She's like shrinking astronomically every year she's like four foot five now well, I don't know that I'll ever get to four foot five, but I'm also a polish lady, so I feel like that's good yeah, yeah, all right listen, don't knock my dreams booth yeah, so you did call me.
Speaker 2:I appreciate the facetime. I wasn't anaheim and I was supposed to have a relaxing weekend. We were there for high rocks. My sister competed in it, which is great. I've talked about before in the show. Proud of megs. She's 40 and she's like still fucking killing it, and I was supposed to have a relaxing weekend and it was, you know, allie and Machine Meg, who we've said they are. That's why I'm going to France next week. They're going to compete in the world championship, which is crazy, and the Machine Meg got super sick.
Speaker 3:Oh no.
Speaker 2:Yeah, like she was down and out pretty bad.
Speaker 3:I'm sure she took that well.
Speaker 2:And she still wanted to compete. Obviously we're Like she was down and out pretty bad. I'm sure she took that well.
Speaker 3:And she still wanted to compete, obviously.
Speaker 2:We're all like probably shouldn't. Did she compete? No, so this is where I come in. So I get a text message from Allie, like two hours before the race, says hey, would you want to compete with me today? So obviously Machine Meg can rest. So I was like so you mean like in an hour and a half? Right now I have to do a high rocks event which I haven't been training for. I had mickey mouse pancakes in the morning, I took some sudafed, I wasn't feeling good. I already had an energy drink. I was on the stair climber. The day before was my birthday, I had pepperoni pizza all day, all night and I'm feeling like a bag of dicks. And I was was like, sure, let's go an hour and a half. And so that's what I did.
Speaker 3:How'd it go?
Speaker 2:It was good we did really good actually but my heart rate got up to 195 at one point. There was also a guy who died there.
Speaker 3:You buried the lead. What? We're 10 minutes into the story and you just mentioned a death.
Speaker 2:What happened to him. I don't know, know, but I'm pretty sure we saw him after we signed in. There was like a stretcher in this room and I was walking down this hallway and see these girls look to the left and like, oh my god, and they kept on walking. Then I'm walking by and I look in and all these people have ice packs on them. There's throw up all over the place.
Speaker 1:He's on on the stretcher.
Speaker 2:Then somebody said that guy died and it was confirmed. So, with that being said, it is fun. It was fun. That's why I spent my birthday weekend.
Speaker 3:Okay, yeah, it sounds like it Death workouts yeah. Great birthday weekend.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Hey, you're here, you're healthy. You enjoyed it with your little fam, yup Locks got. You're here, you're healthy. You enjoyed it with your little fam. Yup Lox got to see the ocean for the first time. That was cute. That was awesome. Did he like it or no? I was so proud of him.
Speaker 2:I was just like. The water on the West Coast is cold, the Pacific it's like cold, cold and I stuck him in there and I thought he might cry. But no, he was shocked. And then he looked at me and then, kind of trying to figure it out, and then picked him up and just hugged him and then he's like whoa, like what was that? That was cool, so I was proud of him for that, but it was awesome.
Speaker 3:What's the saying? I mean not that the event that you were doing, but just in general. The ocean or playing at the beach can be dangerous, but they say the best thing to do is to allow your kids to do dangerous things safely. So, like you're his safety net there, you pick him back up, you hug him like this is fun this is good, you can do this.
Speaker 2:Exactly.
Speaker 3:And then one day he'll jump off your roof and you'll have to catch him and be like okay, let's chill on that For sure. But let's do dangerous things safely, because isn't any wah-wahs.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and that's also a moment that I'm glad that Dre captured, and I feel like we both just take so many photos and videos and Dre's obviously a professional photographer and videographer, so she always takes these videos and photos when I'm not looking and send them to me. I'm like that is so cool, I feel so lucky.
Speaker 3:My question to you is do you return the favor for her?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I've been getting better. I've been getting better.
Speaker 3:I know that that is something that a lot of my friends have noticed too. They're like I take lovely photos of my husband with our children and then it's like the baby vomit on my face and like a blurry photo of me holding the kid. It's like, wow, thanks, babe, thanks for the thanks for the getting my back there.
Speaker 2:Yeah, she made a comment to me and I was like, okay, got it.
Speaker 3:Yeah, cause she let me know those memories. Yeah, think of how much that warms your heart.
Speaker 2:Yeah, like moms want to do that too yeah, I do have probably more photos of him than any parent ever like my entire camera, like I want to capture everything. I just think everything he does is so cute, so like click, click, click, click. But I'm getting better at taking more of her with him isn't it?
Speaker 3:I don't know what the word would be, maybe funny or interesting that you know when we were kids. I feel like I can count on two hands how many photos there are of me when I was Lox's age. That's wild, and now you take what? 300 a day.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 3:Truly. I mean, I feel like I take 300 pictures a day of Lox. He's not even mine.
Speaker 2:And think about when you were like your age now 33, because you're turning 34 in two months, in august you can count, like you said, on one hand, the amount of like baby pictures that you have, like, if somebody's like show me a baby picture, like, uh, yeah all right, I got one. Yeah, I got like a few here yeah and I'm like it's gonna be tougher in the pick. A baby picture that it likes is so many yeah, but I mean it is strange.
Speaker 3:I mean I, I obviously would love to have children one day, but it does. It just is so heavy to think about the difference they'll experience, so different, or that he like he, we are literally older than google and when you tell locks that one day he's gonna be like I know. Okay, dad, you know what I mean, and that's just comment. That is actually a true fact and for for them it's just like they'll never live in a world that they can't just find the answer immediately.
Speaker 2:I know, it's weird.
Speaker 3:I just it's too much for me to think about.
Speaker 2:We talk, I think we talk about how old we are, all the time every podcast, do we?
Speaker 3:Yeah, well then, I guess-third of the way through my life at this rate.
Speaker 2:Exactly. You know what I saw the other day, which I thought was a fantastic invention. I'm like damn, that is good. It just shows how technology fits into everyday life. There is now, you know, the scanner codes, QR codes. Qr codes you can get those on your tombstone.
Speaker 3:Shut up.
Speaker 2:So I saw this ad pop up on my tiktok and so it's it's the coolest thing, because it showed like, uh, you know, obviously they knew it and it was probably the company that put it there. But they're walking through a cemetery and then they go up to a tombstone and then they qr code it and a video pops up of the memories and it's this uh man and this woman dancing together and they're both dead up of the memories, and it's this man and this woman dancing together and they're both dead at their tombstone and it's them like dancing together.
Speaker 3:I'm going to cry.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Wait what.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm pretty bummed, I didn't think of it.
Speaker 3:Am I the only one that didn't know that? Is that common knowledge now?
Speaker 2:No, but I just saw it.
Speaker 3:What I mean.
Speaker 2:Such a simple, easy idea.
Speaker 3:That's like I mean. It breaks my heart, you know, when people say they keep voicemails from people, yeah, like we don't leave voicemails anymore.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 3:You just text someone and it's just like, oh, I don't want to lose, I save. Like I have voicemails, I'm going to cry right now. I was just even thinking about it. I have voicemails from my aunt that passed. Sometimes it's like you just want to hear their voice again. So I can't imagine seeing. Yeah, I don't know why I'm crying, but it's okay I just feel like I can't imagine seeing, yeah, them.
Speaker 3:I mean, yes, I have videos and pictures and stuff, but it's like it's just different when it's uh, maybe personalized, yeah, where I feel like voicemails are like hey, I'm calling you, and then they always say call me back, love you.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I know, that hurts my heart yeah, but like in a good way, yeah because I feel like it's a good memory to keep and even I feel like voicemails are a thing of the past. How many people leave voicemails?
Speaker 3:I know that's why I'm nervous, like every time I get a new phone or like my iCloud back up. I have like four voicemails that I keep yeah one of them's, from my grandmother, just talking literal gibberish. I don't even think she knew that she was leaving me a voicemail, but she's like hey, sammy, oh, the guy's out front. He's always at the mailbox, she's you know. She's just like rambling on and I'm like I will keep this forever.
Speaker 2:It's the best. Nobody leaves voicemails because nobody calls.
Speaker 3:I know that's what I'm saying. That's sad. I want to keep that going. That's something that I feel like is's dramatic, but I think that replaying voicemails is just like oh, it's a it's essentially a digital I don't know handwritten note, because it is only for you. It's not like a post on the internet or a video of people dancing that's for anyone to consume. But if I call you and I leave you a voicemail, I'm only talking to you.
Speaker 2:I was just thinking there of voicemails of my dad that I would keep, and I'm like my dad leaves the same exact voicemail, word for word, every single time. Hey, it's me just checking in.
Speaker 3:Give me a call back yeah, and you know what, one day, when he's gone, you'll cherish that yeah, sad to think about.
Speaker 2:I also saw a video, since we're in our feels. Who was it? Oh, what's his name? He's the crazy dude who is wild, because the first thing I think of him is him admitting to having sex with over like 1,400 girls or something. What?
Speaker 3:Who is this person? The famous person?
Speaker 2:Forgetting Sarah Marshallall that movie yes who was the? Jason siegel okay, now who is the boyfriend? The rock guy? Uh, come on, he's got, he's married.
Speaker 3:Yes, and his name is alistair something in the movie yes sarah marshall. What's his name? I'm gonna google him russell brand yes, I didn't even have to google it, it just came to me when I typed in katie perry okay, so russell brand wait why?
Speaker 2:do you? Know about his sexual partners I feel like he's admitted that or it's like a known thing that's so exhausting.
Speaker 2:Anyways, I'm gonna google that real quick um fact check yeah, we're gonna find that out. Eason, can you find out how many partners russell brand has been with, please, thank you. But anyways, he's like a very um philosophical guy now and he's been on this journey towards sobriety and has a podcast and he said something and I believe that I saved it and I was just like my god, that one kicked you in the gut yeah, because it talks about having kids and then getting older and essentially we are just here to guide them into a future best case scenario and we're not going to be there which is just like oh that hurts, here it is.
Speaker 1:It taught me that love is real, that the most miraculous things are accessible and ordinary and animal, that you can procreate life into being. What a gift. And it flows through you and we're part of an endless chain. And god has no grandchildren. They belong to the world, they don't belong to you and it's your job to just stand there and bring out of them whatever's in them and just stand back and marvel and weep at what's in them. Weep the horror, the beauty, the horror, the dreadful beauty of what a child unfolds into your awareness that they, in the best case scenario, the best case scenario, they are walking into a future that you will not be there to guide them through.
Speaker 3:I'm going to cry again. I don't even have kids Break the tension. Tell us how many partners he had.
Speaker 4:It says Russell Brand had admitted to sleeping with thousands of women before he admitted himself to sex addiction. Rehab, okay, thousands.
Speaker 2:Thousands, thousands.
Speaker 3:I don't even think I've come across a thousand men in my life Like how is that even physically possible? But addiction is real. So I'm not going to knock that or make fun of that, but I feel like that's also just again not to be like, oh, we're so old. I don't want to just harp on that, but it is a strange transition to kind of grasp all of the people around me like our own. I know it sounds dumb to say it's like obviously, sammy, but like are only getting older.
Speaker 3:So when I go back and I spend time with my grandmother, or I spend time with my parents like you never know, and I know that's like a. You don't want to think negatively, but I just feel like it makes me well and also for me. You want to talk about biological clocks. I'm like dang. If I ever have kids, I hope my parents are there for it, but I don't even know if they will be.
Speaker 3:No, you and I know that you're talking about like on the flip side of that, you are the parent to locks that you feel like you won't be there or not feel like you won't be there his whole life or whatever, but I do also hope I don't miss out on that for them yeah, and that's a thought that I had for a long time too well and I think that's normal.
Speaker 3:I don't know, maybe it's too dark, but I just want to feel like because my grandparents I have one grandparent still alive, but they passed away when I was relatively young and I I mean, I'm sure that's like for a multitude of reasons and their health and the time of where the world was at and everything, and I hope that now we are I know you're making fun of me, but advancing and the fact that, like you, can live longer. I read a fact the other day which they could be bullshitting me because it was Instagram so there was no fact checking but it's like a woman who gives birth after the age of 35 is like however many more times likely to live till 90. And if you give birth after 40, she's however many more times likely to live to 95.
Speaker 3:Just as far as like survival mode as a mother for a kid, I don't know, I don't know, I don't listen, Like I'm saying there's no fact checking and that could be complete bullshit and if it is, call me out on it. But I just feel like, hey, it was a little nugget of information that I need that maybe gave me hope.
Speaker 4:Okay.
Speaker 3:Maybe we're good.
Speaker 2:Maybe, it isn't doomsday, like you know everything I see now is right scared to think about. I think about a lot now because I'm like damn, I'm gonna be 50 years old and lock's gonna be 12, 50, and then you think about grandkids.
Speaker 3:I'm like the chances of me seeing his grand or his kids are a lot slimmer now. But so let me ask you this since becoming a father, has the idea of death changed for you? Yeah, it has that's what I've heard a lot from my new parent friends for sure um, and I find it interesting because I think they're dead on, like right now. I mean, yeah, I'm trying to cook until you know 102, but I don't necessarily have like a fear of death.
Speaker 3:I've lived a good life. I love my people hard like I've been, I've had so much fun and I've been so blessed and all of these things are like, yeah, I don't feel like I'm finished, but my friends who felt the same way as me before they had kids, they're like no, now it's so different. I have a huge fear of leaving them and not being there for them and knowing that that will almost domino effect them into their life and I'm like, wow, what a heavy responsibility. That may not even really be on the forefront of your mind when you're trying to have kids.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, it's completely changed. Like you said, I was similar and kind of like, oh, whatever happens, happens, I lived a good life. But I even think I said on this show when I found out that she was pregnant, I started like being way more cautious because in my mind I'm like god, I gotta make it nine, ten months to get to see the birth of my kid. And it's small things like all right, I'm gonna only wear one headphone when I'm running so I can hear traffic better. Or I'm not gonna go on bike rides down this road anymore because I don't want to get hit by a car. Or I went to the bike shop this weekend just to go get like sensors and like, uh, new technology that will literally sense if a vehicle is coming within a certain amount, like just small safety things and things that I avoid now that I wouldn't have thought twice about just because I'm like god, I need a you don't feel so invincible anymore no, not at all.
Speaker 2:It's like almost the opposite. Interesting and then there's a little peace to knowing that if something did happen that I did have yeah, my right. I mean, well, I feel like it's like because I've always wanted that, and so now I do have a piece of me that lives on through him forever.
Speaker 3:Yeah, which is a cool. Your dna will be in the history of good or bad, but forever.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but yeah, that's insane.
Speaker 3:Yeah, so it's a and the booth name lives on and the booth name lives on.
Speaker 2:I was, uh, yeah on the first one. Uh, carried on because my cousin I've got two booth cousins. One is younger than me, he's out in cali, he's a stud, he'll have kids.
Speaker 3:My other cousin, ryan, now has two girls there you go yeah but it is 2024 and I feel like people are changing, so maybe those girls will meet someone and they'll just pick which last name they want. I heard that people are doing that now, so who knows?
Speaker 2:yeah, I don't know.
Speaker 3:I feel like you're a little too traditional to pick a woman's last name I wouldn't want to.
Speaker 2:I mean, I feel like I'll just get lit up for saying that, but right, I mean whatever, you're gonna get lit up for saying anything.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, you're the, you're the worst.
Speaker 2:I mean, I literally always made fun of my buddies who get married, like Big Drew Andrew Van Dierendonk. He just got married.
Speaker 3:So now, but also I got to give props to his wife. She took on that big old last name.
Speaker 2:Not a pretty name.
Speaker 3:And she had a short little name herself, so you know, yeah which is what to my point is.
Speaker 2:Now. I call him mr, his wife's last name, oh, got it so all my buddies like, I'll just call them by got it and you know guys are just like shut, the fuck up get out of here, which is funny.
Speaker 3:People are doing it in a not little bitch bitch sense I, I believe it.
Speaker 2:I'm not surprised 2024, but it's old school, but yeah is it old school? I mean, yes, it is it's old school to take the man's name, sure, but also that's what you know but I also just feel like old school it doesn't necessarily mean bad no, there's a lot of tradition that I still like the protector and but you can't even say that now without being like, oh you're sexist.
Speaker 3:Women can do the same let me tell you, as someone who's a single homeowner, I was having a mental breakdown literally last night, because I really do. I don't want to be just like a dumb bitch for lack of better term you know what I mean.
Speaker 3:Like I do, I own a home, yeah, and that is. That's a great goal that I accomplished. Do I think that home ownership is for everyone? No, do I think that? As I really dive into home ownership myself and this is controversial I'm sure people will be like you're an idiot. But I kind of feel like home ownership is a little bit under the same umbrella as college and the fact that it is much different from our generation to our parents and we were sold like maybe something that's become a lie. It didn't start out a lie. I think it was all well-intentioned and like you go to college, you get a degree, you stand out, you're better than everybody because you have a college degree, you're going to get any job you want, you're going to be out, blah, blah, blah. Well, that has been proven to not be true, right, and I kind of feel like home ownership is falling under that umbrella.
Speaker 2:For me, it's a huge accomplishment now it is a huge accomplishment.
Speaker 3:However, if you are a single person or like I don't want to be, like I don't have any help. But if you don't have any help, maybe just stay where there's a handyman until you're really ready. Because I'm not even joking, sean, I was having like I my poor dad. First of all, dad, sorry, I was like such a bitch, but I facetimed him because I went to youtube university. I had been researching all day. I'm like I'm gonna fix this motherfucking toilet. My toilet is costing me hundreds and hundreds of dollars because the water keeps running. So you got to figure out what's causing it. There's only so many parts that it could be. So then I figure out which part it is, but then it doesn't respond with what everything on the internet says. So I'm FaceTiming my dad and I'm like what is this? And I literally just sat on the toilet and I was like you know, you're doing the squat, looking in, lifting up the thing in the back, like I'm a plumber.
Speaker 2:And I'm just like. So you're sitting on it, reverse. Yes, ac Slater pulls up a chair.
Speaker 3:I got a. I have my stage flashlight that I use on the stage, in my mouth, my phone, like on here trying to show my dad with the little wrench, the whole thing, and I literally just was like where is my husband at the top of my lungs and you want to know why? Because I feel like husbands fix toilets and if that is old school and that's too traditional and everybody's going to come for me.
Speaker 3:I don't care. I want a husband to fix the toilet. I don't want to know and that's the thing. I can learn it and I did learn it. It's my fill valve. I'm going to Home Depot after this to get a new one.
Speaker 2:I'm smarter and.
Speaker 3:I'm going to fix it and it's going to feel great. However, I don't want to know how to do that. I want to leave that space in my brain open. What if I need to remember Britney Spears lyric from the 90s? I'd rather do that. I don't want to know how to fix a toilet.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you don't need a man, but also you kind of need a man, yes, and I think that that's okay. And that's fine.
Speaker 3:Listen, I don't like I said, I started this. I don't want to be a dumb bitch. I don't want to be someone who depends on someone to be able to just survive in society. However, it would be nice if I could, if I had the option Of course. Because after that I got to fix my oven. It doesn't heat up past 100 degrees.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's like saying, hey, I know how to cook food, right, but if there is a woman in the house who enjoys it and cooks food and is better than me, I want that.
Speaker 3:I can do it, and I don't understand why you can't say that Because everything is wrong. I know, but it's just like as someone who obviously I'm a girl's girl, I am team girl Like there's plenty of room at my table, please come sit. But I don't agree with women being like looking down on someone because they want that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you know what I mean.
Speaker 3:I'm like I'm not less of a woman because I'd rather a dude fix my toilet Right. You know what I'm saying. Like how is it? And I feel like that's where we're at. You say that like I don't know if you watch, I don't know if we want to get in hot water because I feel like it's been like whoa, but the Chiefs kickers speech.
Speaker 2:Oh fucker, I know, did you listen? Yeah, I listened, Saying where people are getting upset, but also overreaction. I know the sentiment of what he was trying to say. Sure, right.
Speaker 3:I guess that's what I'm going to say. Yeah, I feel like it doesn't matter what you say. You'll get eaten alive about it because I feel like it is very like double edged. But I guess what surprised me was is the outrage, because this man is a vocal devout christian catholic.
Speaker 2:Whatever he could tell, it was super like you.
Speaker 3:Can you know exactly where he comes from and what his background is, and he was giving a speech to, I'm assuming, people who shared the same religious values as him a very small catholic right very small catholic college and so I'm just like I don't understand how people are surprised. Okay, follow me through this. Thought, sammy ADD brain right now, back in the day. Remember Duck Dynasty? Yeah.
Speaker 3:A bunch of like hunters and very openly religious men from the deep south of Louisiana. And the grandpa. The grandpa so let's just think about a grandpa who grew up in a city in a very like progressive environment is still pretty conservative in today's standards. And the grandpa from Duck Dynasty came out and said that he thought homosexuality was a sin. People lost their fucking minds.
Speaker 2:You're trying to cancel the show.
Speaker 3:Yeah they can't do anything. And I'm just sitting there I'm like, listen, I'm not saying that I agree with him, he can't do anything. And I'm just sitting there thinking I'm like, listen, I'm not saying that I agree with him, but I kind of feel like at some point it's on you to be surprised that he feels that way.
Speaker 2:Exactly right, like yeah, don't agree with him, but why are we surprised?
Speaker 3:He never hid who he was and you gave him a show Also that man is very intelligent. Like they invented the duck call and whatever. Like very successful businessmen, very dedicated family men from what they present. You know, what do I know? But like when everybody was outraged about that, I was like are you surprised? I just don't understand how you're surprised.
Speaker 3:I feel like that's on you bud exactly like you gotta like let's look at the environment and like make a well-adjusted thought pattern I don't know no, that's a good point on your end why anybody's surprised about a lot of stuff that happens like duh of course that person said that right, and I'm not saying I agree with literally anything that's out there in the world ever because I feel like I don't. But I also respect that people can say and think what they want yeah.
Speaker 2:So it's like harrison, is it harrison butker? Yes, yeah. So it's like, yeah, the guy's got millions and millions of dollars, he's super religious, and you're surprised that he's saying like, hey, ladies, like my woman is my support system and she stays at home and watches after our kids and she's the greatest support system. And don't be afraid to just, I guess, aspire to be that, where I also see the other side of it, like, yeah, let's all aspire to be more.
Speaker 3:Sure.
Speaker 2:But it's like from him yeah, are we surprised that he said that?
Speaker 3:No, no, no, I mean, I see I agree with you. I do understand. I don't think what he was saying was coming from like a malicious standpoint.
Speaker 2:I think that it just I don't think so either, cause he sat there and wrote that speech and probably reviewed it a million times and then get off the stage and said it, so I don't think it was malicious.
Speaker 3:No, but you know some people go into like really make a statement and cause controversy. I don't think he went in there to do that. I think he was actually speaking from what he believes. He wasn't trying to go viral.
Speaker 3:No he wasn't trying to have all this animosity towards him and his family and everything. I do find it awfully ironic and I said this on my Instagram story and some girl shout out to Madison, so that girl came for me. She was like I wish you would have listened to the whole speech. It's not an attack on women. And I said no, no, no, I never said he attacked women.
Speaker 3:All I said was the irony is not lost on me that this man said that it's okay, or he pushed for I hope your life begins as a woman when you become a homemaker and a mother and do I think that he was trying to say like that's okay if that's when you feel like your life becomes a different level of importance? Sure, but I do find it ironic that that man just very, very, very, very, very much benefited from a very, very powerful woman who is not a homemaker and not a wife, and I was like, hmm, interesting, and who's to say that he can't see that for what it's worth? That just wasn't part of the speech. I'm not going to put words in the kid's mouth, I'm not going to assume, but I did find it ironic. The timing I guess he's going to preach to women that like hey see, hey see.
Speaker 3:But then I go back and forth because now I'm saying I think and I want to believe and I could be wrong, but I want to believe that what he was saying is that like you've been told this now in this generation that like you got to go out and get a job and pay your bills and da da da, ceo fortune 500 company, it's like parent your children, as if you don't work, but don't not work and just parent your children. You know what I Like that back and forth in society. So I feel like he was acknowledging like it's okay if that's what you want to do with your life. I just don't know that he said it that way.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and again, I think it's just hard to look at this good looking white man who has millions of dollars and his wife can stay at home and do nothing because they're set, because he kicks a ball for a living, correct? So that's where it's like man.
Speaker 3:I don't know if he would have thought that or said that if he's grinding his dick away every day at a nine to five job making minimum wage, he's probably being like hey, let's go and get a job and and that's the thing is that I think that people were very angry for like a multitude of reasons, and I think one of them is that it's just like huh, it must be nice for you to be able to say that, yeah, and you know I agree, like it must be nice. But why do we have to hate on him Because that is his reality? Yeah, I don't know, I go back and agrees. I just like don't understand how you can like see this conservative dude give a speech at a very small Catholic school and be surprised and outraged. What did we think he was going to say?
Speaker 4:Yeah, I don't know many people that could be with someone, whether male or female, who has millions of dollars that comes into their account every single year, and I'll be like, yeah, I'll stay at home. If my fiance was making $5 million a year. Whatever he's making, I'd probably be like, yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's cool.
Speaker 4:I'll take the kids to the park.
Speaker 2:It's good with me. What time do you want dinner on the table?
Speaker 3:Hell yeah, that sounds pretty good.
Speaker 2:I mean, I joke with my employers now that, yeah, so to your point, you are a girl's girl. Yeah, you are the biggest women's supporter. 100. Yeah, for the most part yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, but you're a team girl, obviously yes, I am if you had a guy? Oh no, in a heartbeat no, no, no, no, no, no, that's exactly what I was saying before that I am super transparent.
Speaker 3:Let me be clear and not mince words. You do not even have to read between the lines. I said it in my end of the year review at my own job. I do not recommend you guys doing that. We personally do not have an HR and we have a great banter, me and our business manager. But they said I will maintain the same slogan that I've had the entire year. I am one show away from meeting a rich and famous husband, of quitting this job, but if I don't, I'm here and they say, and you know what they laugh and they say fair.
Speaker 3:All right, that's great We'll have you until you find them.
Speaker 2:I said it might be forever.
Speaker 3:It might be tomorrow. Your guess is as good as mine at this rate, but I don't think there's any shame in that. I also think it's very important to have present parents. That's the thing that I don't understand. Is that like the hatred that comes towards that is like I think the detriment to society would be more seen if you have not present parents. So why are we going to shit on someone who wants to stay home and be present?
Speaker 2:Right. And also, who gives a fuck if those two people that's what they want and that's what they like?
Speaker 3:Well, because everybody's business is your business. I know you have your own privacy.
Speaker 2:Exactly? Of course not. But if that person like Harrison loves it, his wife obviously also loves it.
Speaker 4:Then let them live and they're living their life. Live and let them live, and they're living their life live and let live.
Speaker 2:I guess he just can't preach about it to people.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I mean like I said, I don't think he meant to be viral, I don't think he was going in with like terrible intent. I just think that, you know, there were a few things that could have been a little taken the wrong way, and they were yeah, it's also weird to do that at a graduation speech.
Speaker 4:I feel like like all these girls just busted their ass for five, six years exactly paid a ton of money.
Speaker 2:You did all that, but yeah, don't worry about it.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that was a little like all right yeah the diabolical lies that one really sticks out to me. I'm like, okay, buddy, are you in the celebrity softball game this year?
Speaker 2:I am you coming?
Speaker 3:oh my god, I'm on jelly rolls team, team jelly every time I ask him a question, I just don't understand. I'll be like sean, you go to the grocery store today. He's like oh, I did you want.
Speaker 2:I'm like, okay, what, um, but you are yeah, isn't that monday of the cma yes, okay, or tuesday monday, or tuesday monday. Why am I asking you, yeah, no, yeah, all right, well, I'm gonna try and come on to go oh yeah, I think.
Speaker 3:Well, there's like a couple people. I saw riley gaines, our girl, riley gain is going to be in there.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she's on my team.
Speaker 2:I'm excited for that oh, she is good yeah and I don't know.
Speaker 3:There's always a bunch of people that are. It's a fun event. If you're in town, you should come.
Speaker 2:It's awesome, it's just chill and it like kicks off the whole CMA Fest week, which I feel like is chaotic in nature, but in the best it, because last year when I was there um every year that I'm there I'm always like, oh, it's so awesome.
Speaker 2:They got their little kids on the field with them oh, and now you get to do it now, like last year, I was with chris lane and will compton and I knew that drave was pregnant at that point, but nobody else did, and I was like, if I play in this game next year, locks will be here, and that's pretty cool because, listen, I don't know how many more times he's gonna be able to watch me playing in athletic sports, but even though he won't remember it, we'll have videos and pictures.
Speaker 3:I'll take him out in the field with me and that'll be a very special moment I was gonna say that I feel like that's special for you and for dre and locks. He just probably won't know what it is, yeah, but he'll have those pictures to look back on when he's as old as you, booth exactly so, Exactly so.
Speaker 2:if you're in town, come to the game. Tonight is when you're listening to this Monday.
Speaker 3:Oh wow, oh my God, it's.
Speaker 2:June. We're in June.
Speaker 3:Is this the fastest year of your life? Yeah, not to be dramatic. Every year gets faster. I don't know Something in the 2024 sauce, though. There have been times that I felt like years have flown by, never like this year. It is June.
Speaker 2:That's halfway, Sam dog.
Speaker 3:I don't even want to think about that. Actually, that makes my frontal lobe melt. Ah, okay, well, anyways, if you're listening, yeah, come tonight. I'm sure like oh, in true booth fashion. We gave you so much time to get ready.
Speaker 4:Look at us the booth special.
Speaker 2:Come see Sam cat, come see me come see locks, come see possibly post. Malone might be playing. That'd be a big one. He's a nice guy.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I do have to say he looks like a nice guy, very, very. You know I'm sitting here like we're best friends. I don't mean that at all, but just the little interactions I've had seems very pleasant think he can hit a softball okay, so I think it's gonna go one or two ways. I feel like someone like post malone is so unathletic. It's like embarrassing to watch or he's going to surprise all of us and be like weirdly super athletic.
Speaker 2:Exactly what Dre said. The other day I asked her the same question.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I said exactly that I feel like he won't be in the middle. He'll be one or the other. It'll be like, oh my God, someone hit for him. Or it'll be like, holy shit, is Post Malone a baseball player?
Speaker 2:Yeah. Yes, there will be no in between. We said the same thing about Morgan Wallen, where I was like I feel like he's probably super unathletic.
Speaker 3:No, no, morgan played baseball.
Speaker 2:Okay, I take that back.
Speaker 3:Yeah, morgan played baseball competitively all the way through life, so I feel like he's pretty good Like Hardy. Hardy always surprises me with how he's like out there screaming on the stage and then can just like rip a homer. I'm like okay.
Speaker 2:Go ahead, hardy. I'm on his team this year finally.
Speaker 3:He's a good one too.
Speaker 2:Yeah, ernest, as well.
Speaker 3:Also a good one. Wow, you got a good team.
Speaker 2:You better be on your best paper.
Speaker 3:I will you can't be the biggest dick on the team Booth I would never Interesting Ernest. Any other women. Nah, not that you know of yet, because I feel like they don't really announce it until well when y'all are listening, it'll be.
Speaker 2:I didn't see Chuck announced. Is Chuck not doing it? Have you talked to Chuck?
Speaker 3:He is in Europe.
Speaker 2:Okay, he will not be here, that's why.
Speaker 3:Yeah, so no celebrity. I think this is like the first one he's missed in many years. Right, and I watched you, I watched him, or is it reverse, I don't know. Fangirl.
Speaker 2:Either way, it's my fourth year and I'm 0-3, so we're going to go get the dub tonight, Okay.
Speaker 1:Team on three. Come up with that.